Daily Archives: December 6, 2007

Hot 2 Terabyte Network Drive From Western Digital

Except I won’t be buying one and you probably shouldn’t either unless you completely understand what you will and will not be getting!
Let’s go directly to what you will not be getting:

*Due to unverifiable media license authentication, the most common audio and video file types cannot be shared with different users using WD Anywhere Access. A list of the non shareable file types can be found here.

It is a long list of just about everything that you would want to share with other users on your home networks except photos and document type files.
A quick look at the user manual (PDF)suggests that up to 5 users can be set up with the same name/pw but does not indicate any deviation from the above sharing exclusion.
Do any of you have experience with this product?

Via boingboing.

Oh What Fun It Is…

Megan finds DC drivers a bit lacking:

You’ve never seen anything like the DC reaction to snow. Yesterday, as I walked through the snowy streets, I looked at the drivers inching along and thought “they’ve never seen snow before”. After a while, though, I began to think “they’ve never seen cars before”. It’s as if each of those little white flakes was composed of some sort of powerful explosive activated by contact with car tires or shoe leather.

I suspect they are head and shoulders above Seattle.