September 20, 2003

Soil of the Earth

While there is a bit of question as to the source of this preacher's quote The Curmudgeonly Clerk questions his credentials:

"The acceptance of evolution is responsible for the degeneration of morals in society," said gospel preacher Mac Deaver. "People are shooting at each other on the highway. Kids are being taught that they came from dirt. There is no accountability; they say, 'I'm just a product of evolutionary theory. Evolution made me what I am, can't help it.'"
As an earnest Christian, I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I saw Mac Deaver's statement. Do you suppose Deaver has ever read the Bible that he is thumping?
And the Lord God formed Adam out of the soil of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Genesis 2:7.

Posted by Steve on September 20, 2003

wow. how'd he miss something like that?

Posted by aldahlia at September 22, 2003 7:04 AM

this is ok but slighly gay

Posted by big pimpin at November 24, 2003 11:51 AM

He was simply referring to the fact that man did not evolve from dirt, or a big ball of slime. Yes, the original man named Adam, was created instantly from the "dust of the earth", and so your little wise cracks are dismissed quite easily. You are probably a thiestic evolutionist, and probably a John Clayton man, huh?
B. Stuublefield

Posted by B. S.tubblefield at April 26, 2004 7:47 PM

He was simply referring to the fact that man did not evolve from dirt, or a big ball of slime. Yes, the original man named Adam, was created instantly from the "dust of the earth", and so your little wise cracks are dismissed quite easily. You are probably a thiestic evolutionist, and probably a John Clayton man, huh?
B. Stuublefield

Posted by B. S.tubblefield at April 26, 2004 7:48 PM

B. Stubblefield is exactly right. What is so hard to understand? Mac didnt miss it at all. Man was formed instantly from the dust of the earth, God's choice, not evolving from dirt, as man tries to teach. I dont see what is so hard to understand. Then again, I always question anyone who claims to be a "Christian" and then presumes to accuse someone else of "Bible Thumping".

Posted by bclinton at July 2, 2004 1:55 PM

Is made from earth as per Adam equal and sprang forth from dirt in a spontaneous generational sort of way synonymous? Absolutely not. The former is the truth and the later is error, contrary to scientific fact and yet the basis for amorality sadly embraced by psuedo christianity

Posted by Fred at March 10, 2005 6:40 AM
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