October 1, 2003

Reading Away Messages

The Shifted Librarian asks librarians:

Does your library understand the growing significance of instant messaging and real-time chat?
How many of you bloggers or blog readers are using some form of IM today?

Posted by Steve on October 1, 2003

I don't. I find that when I used to, it was far too demanding of my time--it's easier to deal with things in email so that I can answer when I have available time.

Posted by zombyboy at October 1, 2003 12:13 PM

"it's easier to deal with things in email so that I can answer when I have available time."

This is my current take as well. IM might be useful for a planned real time interaction but I like to focus on projects and choose when interruptions are going to happen.

I expect I'd have my 'away message' active most of the time.

Posted by Steve at October 1, 2003 1:11 PM
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