July 12, 2004

cheney Yes, cheney No and Both are Wrong

Well, there is just no agreement in the cheney family these days:

Lynne Cheney, the vice president's wife and mother of a lesbian, said Sunday that states should have the final say over the legal status of personal relationships.

That stand puts her at odds with the vice president on the need for the constitutional amendment now under debate in the Senate that effectively would ban gay marriage.

While her position is certainly preferrable to that of her husband I can not, as does Alex Knapp, agree with it.

We would all be better off, i.e., it would promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity1, if neither state legislatures nor congress involved themselves in the legal status of personal relationships beyond regularizing the contract law that applies to the freely chosen relationships of informed, consenting adults.

1Preamble to the Constitution

Posted by Steve on July 12, 2004

Well, I certainly think that contractual relationships are preferable to government regulation thereof. However, given the legal system as it exists and is likely to for some time, state control of the situation is far preferable to Constitutional Amendment.

Posted by Alex Knapp at July 12, 2004 1:34 PM
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