September 11, 2004

Truth in Advertising?

The Economist sent and advertising insert in the paper this morning. One of those accept 4 free trial issues without obligation offerings. Ok, I thought, I'll look through the rest of the 12 page flier.

Well, on page 2 is their big don't you want to be like them pitch with a large headline reading: Leaders read it. Why? Hmmm, good question. Well it was a good question until I noticed the picture of the most prominent of the three displayed leaders. You guessed it: w.

You probably know that w is not a noted reader. Why does The Economist want us to believe he actually reads their magazine or are they simply conflating receiving the magazine (pg 3 of add) with actually reading the magazine?

Perhaps Jane Galt or someone else associated with the magazine could explain?

Posted by Steve on September 11, 2004
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