September 29, 2004

It's Gone and Nothin's Gonna to Bring it Back

Well, maybe there is a way to get back that old file that you can't find. Especially if it was ever on the WWW. Kim's story (shortened a bit):

I have a client with a site that's been in operation since early 2000, and we recently discovered that a couple of archived issues of her newsletter from that time were missing. We've ported the site over to several new designs over the years, ....

I was convinced they were simply gone for good, but then I had a last ditch idea: the Wayback Machine. I went and put in her site, checked back to one of the 2000 versions, and sure enough, there were the missing archives. I recreated the pages on her site, and now I'm a hero.

The Wayback Machine definitely has practical applications.

Yep, another great use of an already indispensible resource. I use the audio section of to listen to and download great music on a regular basis. And there is much more.

Posted by Steve on September 29, 2004
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