December 12, 2006

Heroesblogging Anyway

Not having a new Heroes episode last night left a void that was only partially filled by The Lost Room*.

In lieu of an episode here is a hint of what is to come:

We will be back in January. First with 2 Marathons of past episodes & a
clip show so new viewers can catch up, & old viewers can see all the Kool
plot-character connections. Then New episodes begin on Jan. 22nd.
I gotta find a place for some more Dead songs.
But..........New characters with new powers are on the way.
Gleaned from an Alan Arkush post on the GD Hour mailing list.

*I'm taping this one so I can watch it all in one sitting at a future date. It does get pretty disturbing and disorienting by the end of the first hour!

Posted by Steve on December 12, 2006
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