
Recent Earthquake Activity

For those curious about earthquakes here is another nifty Google search feature:

Search for recent earthquake activity
Now when you do a Google search in the U.S. for “earthquake,” you’ll
get information on some of the most recent, significant earthquakes
from around the world, right on the search results page. Type
“earthquake” into the search box followed by the city and state or
U.S. zip code. Or for recent earthquake activity in other parts of the
world, just type in “earthquake.” The data is provided by the US
Geological Survey (USGS), and you can click through to the USGS
Earthquake Center for more information, or visit the epicenter of any
quake using Google Maps.

Here is the result for a search on just “earthquake” done at 16:44 MDT:

Recent earthquakes
Magnitude Location Time
2.9 Northern California 5 hours ago Map
5.4 Pagan region, Northern Mariana Islands 7 hours ago Map
4.3 Northern California Yesterday Map
(ED: Unfortunately my formatting is not quite as good as the original)

Via the Google Friends Newsletter.