NSA Hearing Scope Too Narrow? 3 comments

Orin Kerr picks up on something that’s been nagging at me today as I listened to the judicial committee hearings. There is a lot more going on than the particular program that seemed to be the focus of today’s hearings:

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the AG’s testimony is his suggestion, made at various places, that there are other classified telecommunications surveillance programs beyond FISA and the NSA program.

If these focus at all on domestic surveillance without warrants then they need to be brought out into the light of day.

Oh yea, wasn’t gonzalez adept at saying nothing! But did anyone expect anything different?

3 thoughts on “NSA Hearing Scope Too Narrow?

  • tommy

    The Senate knew nothing would be discussed of any relevance due to the classification of the program. No matter what you think about the program, todays hearing was a farce, and intentionally so. The only purpose of it was to allow the Senators to be seen on TV.

  • brenda banks

    i found it very interesting when he especially made a reference to comey and that this “program” was not the one comey had refused to certify.
    it hit like a brick,that something worsse is waiting to be discovered and it must be brought out.we have been betrayed by our government and they need to be taken to account.

  • John Palcewski

    Ah, now it’s clear why Gonzales did all that smiling yesterday. He knows fascist Karl has all those Repug senators by the balls. They’ve all gotten the word: Step one inch out of line, guys, and you will be on the LIST.
    Which will mean no more big $$$$, no more face time with the Preznit, and you might even find yourself framed as soft on terra. In this country, that’s the kiss of death.
    He’s smiling, too, because he knows that the Democrats are too busy pissing their pants and covering their asses to mount any serious challenge, no matter WHAT laws Preznit and his fascist gang decide to break.
    Karl is is fabulous form these days, no matter what that special prosecutor is doing with his Plame grand jury. Karl saw Hillary’s face when Bush alluded to Bill during SOTU. Karl also heard Jon Stewart say “That look is where a boner goes to die.”
    But Karl just smiles, ‘cuz his boner is still riding high. So grab your ankles, boys & girls. The fun has just begun.

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