Daily Archives: August 6, 2008

OK, So What Will Define the End?

Regarding the Hamdan trial verdict Warren Richey writes in the Christian Science Monitor:

Even if he’d been acquitted of all charges, Hamdan was unlikely to be released from his Guantánamo cell anytime soon. In addition to the military commission charges, Hamdan is being held in open-ended detention as an unlawful enemy combatant.
Under the law of war, he can be held for the duration of the war on terror.

As the title says: “OK, so what will define the end.”

One Small Step

You can help in the battle against the so-called war on drugs.
This Massachusetts Initiative may not go far enough and would not be required in a free country. But we don’t live in one and the initiative is One Small Step in the right direction:

On November 4, 2008, Massachusetts voters will have the chance to pass a ballot initiative decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana — removing the threat of jail time for possessing an ounce or less of marijuana for personal use.

Help Massachusetts take this step by financially supporting this initiative. Send contributions to:

Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy
P.O. Box 130151
Boston, MA 02113

Or, online here.

You can also help by asking your congressional representative to support the Personal Use of Marijuana Act.

Learn more at the Marijuana Policy Project.

Not For the Vertigo Impaired

The Space Needle cleaning crew in action:

Photo: Karcher GmbH & Co.

Employees of Karcher GmbH & Co. are doing the work. They get paid. Karcher does not:

Early on, Kärcher determined that it would donate its cleaning services of public monuments, donating skilled labor as well as the technical, analytic and supervisory services necessary to complete such projects. Their reasoning was twofold: not only was the donation a goodwill gesture, but the feedback the company’s engineers received was invaluable in refining the innovation and manufacture of future cleaning systems.
To that end, Kärcher has carried out some 80 cleaning projects on historical monuments,…

Via Kottke.