May 6, 2005
Friday Ark
Cats, Dogs, Spiders and ? every Friday.
I'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals as I see them (photoshops at my discretion and humans only in supporting roles).
Leave a comment or trackback to this post or email me and I'll add yours to the list. Check back regularly for updates throughout the day on Fridays and somewhat less frequently over the weekend.
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey's Musings.
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday and will be hosted this week by The Conservative Cat.
And, check out Laurence's fine graphical analysis of Friday Ark boardings.
Arkive editions of the Friday Ark.
- Sisu: Babe, eyeball to eyeball and Tiny's tail and ball
- enrevanche: Chow Bella and Mr. Gato
- Blog d'Elisson: Hakuna, birthday girl and Matata
- Melange: Miss Scarlet
- Middle Fork: Tinker and the big world
- Steeph's Blog: Ismael poses
- Poetic Leanings: A fish could pop out any minute...
- Ego: Could you find Morris?
- pages turned: Claudius ponders philosophical matters
- Striving for Average: A Drinking Buddy
- Josh's Weblog: Dust Bunny
- the tattered coat: Luna, World. World, Luna.
- Cybervassals: Vladmira Nabokitten
- This Blog is Full of Crap: Frisky really hates Nardo
- Cathouse Chat: Cuddlesome Cats
- Skulls and Bats: India, LeeLoo and Yokie
- Lab Kat: Pica
- 7610: Friday Liberal Cat Blogging
- Dharma Bums: Double Vertebrate Blogging: Bonsai the hunter
- Why Now?: Kittens
- stag: Mick
- Watermark: Cats & dogs
- The Conservative Cat: Catblogging - Telemarketing
- Fiat Lux: Tommy
- Gracie
- Athenamama: Athena and Jacqueline>
- The Oubliette: Noah
- Aptenobytes: Furleigh
- 2 / 10: Miss Keesa
- Hannah's World: Lazy Day
- AMCGLTD: Garrison!
- annoying little twerp: Shady the box monster
- Axis of Evil Knievel: Herbert
- Blogging Cat:
- Prophet or Madman: Otis
- Inside Allan's Mind: Sumatra
- Computers, Society, and Nature: Friday Cat Blogging: End of Semester Edition
- The Culture Ghost: Oscar
- Mind of Mog: The Picture of Innocence
- Yowling From the Fencepost: Mind of Mog: The Picture of Innocence " TARGET="">Friday Cat Blogging Ruler of All He Surveys Edition
- Lawyers, Guns and Money: Matilda
- Lunar Obverse: Friday Night Cat Blogging
- Maggie's Meanderings: Looking Stupid
- Martini Pundit: Sick Cats
- Meditation Matters: Izzy, Henry and Leroy
- Mike: Psycho
- Music and Cats: Sergei and Sasha
- The Invisible Library: Meta + Cat
- The Irish Trojan's Blog: Friday Cat Blogging
- It's Morning Somewhere: Saddie and Cotton
- poop happens: Friday Cat Blogging added 5/7
- Progressive Protestant: Nermal in the rose bushes added 5/7
- The Paper Tiger: Mags added 5/7
- Pen Elayne: Cat-on-cat added 5/7
- One Man's Vote: Friday Cat Blogging added 5/7
- Ogre's Politics & Views: Guard Cat added 5/7
- nycbabylon: MJ Cat added 5/7
- Nudum Pactum: RoboCat added 5/7
- Non-Exhibitionist: Kitty is sleeping peacefully added 5/7
- No Capital: Retro-Catblogging, Plus Gratuitous Sheep added 5/7
- GetDrunkVoteLiberal: Friday Cat Blogging added 5/7
- BillyCreek: Friday Cat Blogging added 5/7
- Scout Prime: Teddy added 5/7
- E Pluribus Unum: Friday Cat Blogging added 5/7
- The Conservative Cat: Carnival of the Cats #59
- Sisu: A Snail's Pace and Market Disorder not a bug but a feature
- Dope on the Slope: USB compatible Isopod
- afarensis: Giant Tubeworms
- Dharma Bums: Tent Caterpillars, Malacosoma californica
- Blue Witch: I believe in signs
- Daily Snapshots: Bee on Rhododendrom
- milkriverblog: Patches in foreplay and copula
- enrevanche: Chow Bella and Mr. Gato
- Tbogg: Beckham, destroyer of fine optics
- Watermark: Cats & Dogs
- Athenamama: Athena and Jacqueline
- Doug Petch.Com: Sadie
- Duck Pond: Ducks, Sasha, Taffy and horses
- bloggg: Pooch is sick. Go give him a pat.
- Life after NEXCOM: Miss Tilly, A Puppy's Life
- Meditation Matters: Izzy, Henry and Leroy
- Pieces of Me: Conehead Tonka added 5/7
- Pop Culture Gadabout: Ziggy Stardust added 5/7
- Smijer: Dwarf hamsters, salamander, muskrat and herons
- 10,000 Birds: Two different forms of white-throated sparrows
- Skulls and Bats: Midnight Owl
- Living the Scientific Life: Birds in the News #10
- No Direction Home: Friday Bird Blogging
- Bird Treatment and Learning Center: Raven of many colors
- bloggg: My Little Chickadee
- bootstrap analysis: Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Regulus calendula and Gray Catbird Dumetella carolinensis
- Duck Pond: Ducks, Sasha, Taffy and horses
- Les Jones: Macaws
- Smijer: Dwarf hamsters, salamander, muskrat and herons
- Henry's Webiocosm Blog: The Green Tree Frog, Hyla cinerea
- afarensis: Friday Cichlid Blogging
- Slyblog: Happy Kentucky Derby Contender Friday Blogging
- Cathouse Chat: 'Possum Cuddles
- Sunidesus Sees: Bunny Grooming
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: leafy seadragon
- (Everyone Loves: Front View or Profile?
- Duck Pond: Ducks, Sasha, Taffy and horses
- Desert Cat Democrat: Friday Evening Fishblogging
- The Laughing Wolf: Friday Wolf Blogging
- Life after NEXCOM: Lola
- Mischievous Ramblings: Friday Sugar Glider Blogging
- Hoarded Ordinaries: Action
- No Capital: Retro-Catblogging, Plus Gratuitous Sheep added 5/7
- green gabbro: Friday Rock Blogging: Sedimentary Concretions
- Sisu: Cool cat for your desktop
Posted by the Robot Vegetable at May 6, 2005 1:02 AMClaudius in a moment of pensiveness.
Posted by pagesturned at May 6, 2005 4:20 AMNot one, but two different forms of the White-throated Sparrow:
Posted by Mike at May 6, 2005 5:00 AM
Posted by tommy at May 6, 2005 5:52 AMmy cat's first picture on the net:
Posted by Matt at May 6, 2005 6:22 AMFriday Frog Blog-The Green Tree Frog
Posted by Henry at May 6, 2005 6:22 AMI have giant tubeworms
Posted by afarensis at May 6, 2005 6:25 AMI also have cichlids.
Posted by afarensis at May 6, 2005 6:58 AMIndia:
Thank you for linking to my cats! They are proud little things.
Posted by skully at May 6, 2005 7:55 AMI forgot there is an owl too.
Posted by skully at May 6, 2005 7:58 AM
Posted by Kat at May 6, 2005 8:32 AMThis Friday's issue of Birds in the News is available for your reading pleasure, and includes several lovely photos of birds, including one (very cute) "bird in the hand".
Posted by GrrlScientist at May 6, 2005 8:41 AMThe Dharma Bums have tent caterpillars for your viewing pleasure.
A cat and mouse picture-- double vertebrate blogging.
Happy Kentucky Derby Contender Blogging Friday
(horse blogging)
Posted by jillian at May 6, 2005 9:07 AMGracie, in Worship me, part the next.
Posted by Meryl Yourish at May 6, 2005 11:06 AMMy trackback didn't show up, so here's the link:
Posted by Sissy Willis at May 6, 2005 11:56 AMPoocher is sick. :(
Posted by Moi ;) at May 6, 2005 3:15 PMYowling from the Fencepost: Friday Cat Blogging.: Ruler of All He Surveys edition
thought of you and the kitties when I ran across this...
Posted by jillian at May 9, 2005 12:09 AMOften times I read a great post, but have nothing to add. Maybe we need to add a button for “I read your post”.
Posted by Ivan at April 7, 2006 7:16 AM