July 1, 2005
Friday Ark
Cats, Dogs, Spiders and ? every Friday.
We'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals as I see them (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles).
Leave a comment or trackback to this post or email Modulator and we'll add yours to the list. Check back regularly for updates throughout the day on Fridays and somewhat less frequently over the weekend.
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey's Musings.
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday and will be hosted this week by Watermark.
And, check out Laurence's fine graphical analysis of Friday Ark boardings.
Arkive editions of the Friday Ark.
New this boarding is the In Memoriam section. This week it is dedicated to Edloe. Please let me know if you have or know a post that should be included.
- Sisu: Moral Catnip and Seeing Things We Don't
- Melange: Willow and Max
- Justaskjudy: Storm and Eclipse
- Steeph's Blog: Black and White Ismael
- Why Now?: Sox: In Training
- Middle Fork: The Tinker And The Roses
- The Oubliette: Melodramatic Noah and Bathed Maleficent
- Poetic Leanings: You are getting sleepy, sleepy...
- enrevanche: Friday robocat blogging: Click Through for Mr. Gato
- This Blog is Full of Crap: How about some tissues to stop your tears?
- Running Scared: Colin
- Smijer: Ms. Piddy: Sugar Plums Dancing
- Ali Thinks: Charley
- pages turned: Nicholson and Claudius Dream of proper bunk beds
- Lab Kat: Pica demonstrates kitty yoga
- Inside Allan's Mind: It's exhausting being a cat.
- Rurality: Kittens
- stag: Mick: had a busy week
- Striving for Average: More Friday CAt Pictures
- Lunar Obverse: Smacky: just waking up
- i-pets.com blog: Grace gardening
- Music and Cats: Feline Friday: Sergeiis striking
- Basic Juice: Bussi: The Look
- I am the Goober Queen: There's a cat in there somewhere...
- The Venus and Mercury Catblog: No Cat Left Behind
- The Conservative Cat: Ferdinand T. Cat: A Contest of Yucks
- It's Morning Somewhere: Mango and Cotton
- James Norton Photography!: Cat Portrait
- Mike: Psycho's new favorite place to sleep
- Lawyers, Guns and Money: Stromboli
- Life after NEXCOM: Catman holds a cat
- Lisa Violet's Diary: Georgie
- Pen Elayne: Cocteau and Seurat
- Non-Exhibitionist: Nicole and Clara
- Athenamama: Beautiful Thalia
- Aptenobytes: Getting a picture of Merlin's: eyes
- Stone Bridge: Grendel
- Scribblings: Mouse: I Am Beautiful
- Say that again?!: Quinny and Tasha enjoying their condo
- Mind of Mog: Them, the guilty
- Ego: Cat In The Air
- Balloon Juice: Tunch: Don't let the innocent looks fool you.
- CathColl: Emily Frost adjusting to the new place... added 7/2
- AMCGLTD: Trevor and Archie added 7/2
- american waste: Friday Take Your Cat to Work Blogging Added 7/2
- Eschaton: Friday Cat Blogging added 7/2
- Project Nothing: Fish Kitty and Lilly added 7/2
- 7610: What Do I Do? with this precious kitten? added 7/3
- Watermark: Carnival of the Cats #67
- Sisu: A Tiny Spider
- Dharma Bums: This Old World Must Still Be spinning Round
- Middle Fork: The Butterfly and Dragonfly
- Rurality: Flower long-horn beetles (Typocerus velutina) and
Powdered Dancer (Argia moesta) - Dope on the Slope: Hoverfly: (family Syrphidae)
- poop happens: Friday Butterfly Blogging
- Stone Bridge: Common whitetail (Plathemis lydia)
- Sugarfused: Hoverfly
- Urban Dragon Hunters: Blue-fronted Dancer, Argia apicalis Reprise
- milkriverblog: Prepupal prob. Eastern Dobsonfly, Corydalus cf. cornutus
- Melange: Willow and Max
- Tbogg: Beckham: Something is Destroyed
- Athenamama: Angel and jacqueline: Sibling Love
- karbonkountymoos: Puppy
- Jason Myers: Marvin and laney
- BTW: Penny Corners a Pigeon
- Modern Pooch: Puppies try to chill...
- The Common Room: Zeusscroll down
- Dharma Bums: This Old World Must Still Be spinning Round
- Sunidesus Sees: A Young Fuzzy One
- 10,000 Birds: A Wondrous Willet
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Friday Creature: Female Cardinal
- Rurality: Indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea) scroll down
- BTW: Quail and Bunny Friendships
- Profgrrrrl: He Woke Up
- Overtaken by Events: Is it a bad sign when vultures are sitting on your fence?
- No Direction Home: This Species is most prevalent at my birdfeeder
- South Knox Bubba: Friday Bird Blogging
- The Oubliette: Baby Thrashers Week 3
- The Common Room: Muscovy Ducklings
- Publius & Co.: Misto
- Rurality: Southern Leopard Frog (Rana sphenocephala) and Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea)
- Transitions: The Evolution of Life: The Evolution of the Crocodylia Rurality: Eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) scroll down
- Meditation Matters: Chipmunk
- Profgrrrrl: He Woke Up
- No Capital: Friday
SheepbloggingLammikinblogging! - The Common Room: Pictures of EquusChick's horse child
- Middle Fork: The Gopher Snake added 7/2
- a movable beast: Can't Sleep added 7/2
- This Blog is Full of Crap: Thank You
- Melange: Edloe: The Empty Place
- Sisu: This Blog is Full of Sadness
- Mind of Mog: She's Gone
- Wizbang: A Moment of Silence
- The Oubliette: goodbye, sweet grumpus
- enrevanche: To Absent Friends
- This Blog is Full of Crap: How about some tissues to stop your tears?
- Lab Kat: Capsize forever, dear Grumpus
- Athenamama: Wonderful Edloe
- bloggg: Friday Sad Blogging
- Publius & Co.: Good Night, Edloe
- Music and Cats: Requiem For A Queen
- Balloon Juice: Edloe Came, Edloe Saw, Edloe Ate a Lot Of Catnip
- Blog d'Elisson: In Memoriam
- Elms in the Yard: Edloe Is Gone
- Paleoblog: Plesiosaur
- Snail's Tales: Cannery Row Cat
Here are a couple of nonkitties:
Okay, here's the kittie kittie kittie here kittie
That's odd, did comment moderation shut off automatically at 2400 PDT?
In case the nonkitties got lost:
A wondrous willet: http://www.10000birds.com/june2005.htm#6/30/05
Posted by Mike at July 1, 2005 4:10 AMhttp://pagesturned.blogspot.com/2005/07/nicholson-and-claudius-dream-of-proper.html
Posted by Susan at July 1, 2005 5:27 AMPica:
In Memory of Edloe:
I have crocodiles
Posted by afarensis at July 1, 2005 6:30 AMFeak is sad today....
Posted by Moi ;) at July 1, 2005 6:47 AMhttp://www.labkat.com/2005/07/friday_cat_blog.html
Posted by Lab Kat at July 1, 2005 7:28 AMMy tribute to Edloe is at
A tiny damselfly on a pebble (looks like a big monster on a boulder).
Posted by Nannothemis at July 1, 2005 3:36 PMSteve, I'd never heard of Edloe until recently, and I bet many other bloggers hadn't either. I just think it's swell of you to make special mention of her passing.
These critters make their marks on our hearts and lives, for sure.
Emily is adjusting well to her new territory.
Posted by Catherine at July 2, 2005 9:35 AMOne more - the critters are out in scads these days:
Here's my memorial post for Edloe: http://elmsintheyard.blogspot.com/2005/06/edloe-is-gone-laurence-simons.html
Posted by Rahel at July 3, 2005 1:49 AMAww! Fish Kitty and Lilly are grateful for their addition!!!
Posted by Nathan Lanier at July 5, 2005 6:56 AM