March 10, 2007
Been Reading Some Science Fiction/Fantasty?
Via Pharyngula comes another of those mark the ones you've read in bold memes.
As this one is based on someone's version of the The Most Significant SF & Fantasy Books of the Last 50 Years, 1953-2002 and as I read lots of SF I'll participate.
The list is below the fold and 40 of the 50 are bolded.
The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien
The Foundation Trilogy, Isaac Asimov
Dune, Frank Herbert
Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert A. Heinlein
A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula K. Le Guin
Neuromancer, William Gibson
Childhood's End, Arthur C. Clarke
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Philip K. Dick
The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury
The Book of the New Sun, Gene Wolfe
A Canticle for Leibowitz, Walter M. Miller, Jr.
The Caves of Steel, Isaac Asimov
Children of the Atom, Wilmar Shiras
Cities in Flight, James Blish
The Colour of Magic, Terry Pratchett
Dangerous Visions, edited by Harlan Ellison
Deathbird Stories, Harlan Ellison
The Demolished Man, Alfred Bester
Dhalgren, Samuel R. Delany
Dragonflight, Anne McCaffrey
Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card
The First Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, Stephen R. Donaldson
The Forever War, Joe Haldeman
Gateway, Frederik Pohl
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, J.K. Rowling
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
I Am Legend, Richard Matheson
Interview with the Vampire, Anne Rice
The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K. Le Guin
Little, Big, John Crowley
Lord of Light, Roger Zelazny
The Man in the High Castle, Philip K. Dick
Mission of Gravity, Hal Clement
More Than Human, Theodore Sturgeon
The Rediscovery of Man, Cordwainer Smith
On the Beach, Nevil Shute
Rendezvous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke
Ringworld, Larry Niven
Rogue Moon, Algis Budrys
The Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien
Slaughterhouse-5, Kurt Vonnegut
Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson
Stand on Zanzibar, John Brunner
The Stars My Destination, Alfred Bester
Starship Troopers, Robert A. Heinlein
Stormbringer, Michael Moorcock
The Sword of Shannara, Terry Brooks
Timescape, Gregory Benford
To Your Scattered Bodies Go, Philip Jose Farmer
I do not plan to make the bolded list complete. However, if there are some of the unread that you really think are worth the read let me know.
How'd you do?
Posted by Steve on March 10, 2007I'd recommend you the following from the list:
The Colour of Magic, Terry Pratchett -> because it is so hilariously funny, but as you progress in the series it gets better all the way
Dragonflight, Anne McCaffrey -> if you like a mix of fantasy and sf this is a good series, begins fantasy and ends sf, very plausible too
You might also want to peruse books from the following authors: David Weber, John Ringo, Eric Flint, Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey. They are GOOD. At you can get free e-books from these authors and these will only whet your appetite. (Like it did ours and we are now some 40 books further...)
Enjoy your reading,
Babeth from the House of Chaos, Bookworm Extraordinaire.