March 20, 2009
Friday Ark #235
We'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and....?
Visit all the boarders, Link to the Ark and check back for updates through Sunday afternoon!
You can board the Friday Ark by submitting your post here, leaving a comment or a trackback to this post or emailing fridayark AT
You can find previous editions at the not quite up to date Arkives page.
- Elms in the Yard: Bright Eyes
- Blog d'Elisson: I Get High...
- Sisu: Tiny gazes and dances... and Tiny goes for the jugular
- TacJammer: Bad Boy
- Why Now?: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Pluck Your Magic Twanger
- The Cat Post Intelligencer: Find Chey Friday
- It's Morning Somewhere: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Rocky Girl
- Allan Thinks: Trying Not To Be Seen (By The Camera)
- Echidne Of The Snakes: Monday Critter ~ Pippin, the intrepid explorer
- Artsy Catsy: Friday Five
- Cat Whisperer: Caboodle Ranch for Unwanted Cats
- House of Chaos: Mistress of Mayhem
- Women Who Serve: Friday cat blogging ~ casual Friday edition
- Catymology: It might as well be spring?
- This Blog is Full of Crap: Investigating ~ Bruwyn and Nardo
- Feline Rescue, Inc.: Meg and Laurie
- Huffie Mawson, Explorer Cat: What's that over there?
- Real Art: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Frankie and Sammy
- Melange: Hairballs In The Making
- Watermark: Edible?
- Manx Mnews: Happy Spring
- House of the (Mostly) Black Cats: Finally Friday Suddenly Spring
- Cascade Exposures: Spectra Retrospective
- Mind of Mog: Spring Has Sprung
- Survival of the Furriest: Wordless Wednesday
- Kitty Limericks: Henry boarded 3/21
- Cat With A Garden: Saturday Session ~ Siena and Chilli boarded 3/21
- CatSynth: Weekend Cat Blogging #198 ~ Luna is taking care of it; boarded 3/21
- Life from a Cat's Perspective: Finally Friday with Samantha & Mr. Tigger boarded 3/21
- Ego: Morris With Green Paws boarded 3/22
- Kitty Kitty!: Breakfast Delivery; boarded 3/22
- The Birdchaser: I and the Bird #96
- Wanderin' Weeta With Waterfowl (and Weeds): Poor little redhead ~ a report on a sick house finch. and Wordless (almost) Wednesday ~ A pair of mallards
- Country Captures: Up Up and Away ~ Wild Turkey
- Coyote Mercury: Golden-cheeked Warbler
- Joyful Reflections: Our Welcome Home
- The Bird Boy: Red tails mating
- A DC Birding Blog: Loose Feathers #179 ~ Cedar Waxwing and birding news
- 10,000 Birds: Emerald Doves, Singapore
- Joyful Reflections: Our Welcome Home
- Aimophila Adventures: Guatemala: Los Tarrales Reserve
- Living the Scientific Life: Mystery Bird ~ Lesser Yellowlegs, Tringa flavipes and Wren, Troglodytes troglodytes and more in Birds in the News #163; boarded 3/21
- faith, fabric, and photos...: ...I love the wetlands... boarded 3/21
- Nature Remains: Field Sparrow boarded 3/21
- Friendly Animals: Painted Storkboarded 3/21
- Crafty Gardener: Cloudy with a chance of...; boarded 3/22
Other Vertebrates
- Willow House Chronicles: Louis the Donkey
- Birdfreak Birding Blog: Phriday Photo ~ Common Pauraque , Nyctidromus albicollis
- xenogere /strange behavior/: Nature's Handiwork
- skippy the bush kangaroo: kangaroo blogging friday ~ orphaned roo version
- Seeing Anew: A bit of a stretch...
- Farmgirl Fare: Tuesday Farm Photos ~ Ravenous, Brazen Beauty
- Sphere: Thimble Dolphins
- beginning to bird: Nibble news
- Joyful Reflections: Our Welcome Home
- Laughing Orca Ranch: Equine Sparring
- faith, fabric, and photos...: ...I love the wetlands>>> boarded 3/21
- Pure Florida: Guess Where I Went ~ There were some of these boarded 3/22
- Niches: Box Turtle boarded 3/22
- Dog Blog: Dogs 424-428
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Friday Creature ~ Nonnie
- Duck Pond: Friday Night Dog Blog ~ Sounds of the Unexpected: Sasha and Dexter
- Three Happy Heelers: I got it!!
- Biomes Blog: Tuesday Coonhound Blogging
- Random Thoughts of Life: Friday Night Dog Blog
- Survival of the Furriest: Wordless Wednesday
- Calacanis: Happy hump day from Taurus!
- Pamibe: Daisy Blogs; boarded 3/22
- the Marvelous in Nature: Four days early
- Niches: Tiny Mystery
- I Got Two Shoes: Moth
- Earth, Wind & Water: Tarantula!
- Ben Cruachan Blog: More Moths
- NAMBI: The Moth and Me #1
- Snail's Tales: Cicada, Tibicen tibicen or T. chloromera or T. davisi; boarded 3/21
- The Backyard Arthropod Project: Black and Yellow Mud Dauber boarded 3/21
In Memoriam
- Elms in the Yard: Missy, of Blessed Memory: 2006—March 15, 2009
Didn't Make It
- Tetrapod Zoology: Junk in the trunk ~ why sauropod dinosaurs did not possess trunks
- Paleoblog: Hesperonychus elizabethae: NA's Smallest Dino
- Laelaps: A sign of the spines ~ Dimetrodon
- Pharyngula: A Tianyulong
Exceptions (inclusion not guaranteed)
- x
Extra, Extra: All Ark boarders are invited to shout out at the Friday Ark Frapper Map.
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to:
- Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday
- The 261st edition, 3/15, is up at Nikita's Place
- The 262nd edition, the Five Year Anniversary, , 3/22, will be hosted by When Cats Attack
- Weekend Cat Blogging which goes up every weekend
- The 197th edition, 3/14-15, is up at The Sour Dough
- The 198th edition, 3/21-22, will be hosted by Life From A Cat's Perspective
- Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos which goes up every weekend
- The 88th edition, 3/15, is up and hosted by Mind of Mog
- The 89th edition, 3/22, will be hosted at Diamond's Lair
- Do go shout out at The Catbloggers Frappr Map
Birders: I and the Bird: A Blog Carnival for Bird Lovers is published every 2 weeks.
- The 96th edition, 3/19, is up at The Birdchaser
- The 97th edition, 4/2, will be hosted by Great Auk - or Greatest Auk?
For the spineless: Circus of the Spineless. A monthly celebration of Insects, Arachnids, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Worms and most anything else that wiggles.
- The 36th edition, March, is up at Invertebrate Diaries
- The 37th edition, April, will be hosted by Living the Scientific Life
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to:
- The Canine Carnival hosted by Pamibe last year is on hiatus an looking for a new sponsor
- The Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey's Musings has been out of operation since July 2007
For other current carnivals check out The Blog Carnival and The TTLB Uber Carnival
Posted by Steve on March 20, 2009Hi!
It's Birds for me, this week. Poor little redhead; a report on a sick house finch. And a bit more cheerful: Wordless (almost) Wednesday; A pair of mallards.
Posted by Susannah at March 20, 2009 2:07 AMThanks for the link! ;-D
Posted by Nikita at March 20, 2009 2:48 AMKangaroo Blogging Friday Orphaned Roo version over at skippy the bush kangaroo...
Sasha and Dexter were out on their walk again this week, they did not expect to be accompanied by Beethoven - a surprise all around - "Sounds of the Unexpected".
Posted by wmmbb at March 20, 2009 10:46 AM