May 29, 2009
Friday Ark #245
We'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and....?
Visit all the boarders, Link to the Ark and check back for updates through Sunday afternoon!
You can board the Friday Ark by submitting your post here, leaving a comment or a trackback to this post or emailing fridayark AT
You can find previous editions at the not quite up to date Arkives page.
- Blog d'Elisson: Upstairs, Downstairs ~ Hakuna and Neighbor and Fuzzballs ‘R’ Us
- Sisu: Tiny Plays Powerball and Do not stand at my grave and weep
- No Deep Thoughts: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Lizzard 1 RicoLoco 0
- The Poor Mouth: Ted on rose arch with wind chimes
- It's Morning Somewhere: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Tug o' War
- Why Now?: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Another KT
- Perfectly Parker: Wordless Wednesday ~ Peek-a-Boo!
- Ego: Whack A Kitty ~ Morris the cat!
- Soul Thumping: The Crazy Cat Lady ~ Kwinn
- The Yellow Doggerel Democrat: Friday Window Blogging ~ Tabitha and Samantha
- Lab Kat: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Three-fer: Pica’s Delusion
- Middle Fork: Three Kitties
- Joseph Palmer: T-chan and Miko
- Catymology: Unlikely friends ~ Moses and Matilda
- Dohiyi Mir: Thursday Packblogging
- Cat Whisperer: Rain, Lilacs and Manitou
- iInfidel: Mancat Monday
- The Devine Gift of Motherhood: Oreo the Cat
- Cats In Maryland: Window Views Thursday
- Real Art: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Sammy and Frankie
- This Blog is Full of Crap: Lunchtime ~ Nardo and Bruwyn
- red lake rosie's rescue: Sharae Maria is all grown up
- Life from a Cat's Perspective: Finally Friday with Samantha & Maverick
- Our Furry Boys: Angel on his favorite chair
- Survival of the Furriest: Ticked TAbby Thursday boarded 5/30
- Pop Culture Gadabout: Weekend Pet Pic ~ Savanah and Willow in the tree; boarded 5/30
- Living the Scientific Life: I and the Bird #101
- 10,000 Birds: White-barred Piculet, Picumnus cirratus
- The Urban Pantheist: Muddy River
- Mary's View: May Slipped Away
- Sierra Nevada Ramblings: Hummingbird Family
- Vickie Hendeson Art: A Bad Hair Day?
- xenogere /strange behavior/: Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
- Wings n Things: Pleaseeeeee......
- The Nightjar: Is that what I think it is?
- Living the Scientific Life: California Condor and more in Birds in the News #173
- Welcome To Wiggers World: Lapwing
- Dharma Bums: That Dreamy Look of Love
- The Common Room: Bird picture...
- Montanagirl: Yellow Warbler
- Tina's Bird Yarns: Ninja Want-to-be and Cardinal Want-to-be; boarded 5/30
Other Vertebrates
- Blog d'Elisson: Tiptoe Through the Tulips...
- The Urban Pantheist: Muddy River
- Pure Florida: Life Along The Bone Road
- Las aventuras de Brownie: Paquete, PAQUETE, PAQUETE!!!
- Diva Kitty and the Fluffies: Is he here yet?
- xenogere /strange behavior/: Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
- Willow House Chronicles: Happy 16th Birthday, Dear Mousie!
- Country Captures: Uncommon Swimmer ~ Eastern Box Turtle
- An English Girl Rambles......: the chipmunk poem by Arija
- The Paper Tiger: Glorp...
- Niches: Box Turtle Patterns; boarded 5/30
- Tina's Bird Yarns: Ninja Want-to-be and Cardinal Want-to-be; boarded 5/30
- Living the Scientific Life: Superfilly Rachel Alexandra Will Not Run In Belmont Stakes; boarded 5/30
- Somewhere In NJ: Six-spotted Tiger Beetle
- Laelaps: Off to Delaware ~ Horseshoe Crab breeding explosion (Limulus polyphemus)
- Pharyngula: Friday Cephalopod ~ Fractal: Sepia bandensis
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Friday Creature
- bogbumper: She's a lady ~ Broad-bodied Chaser
- Mary's View: May Slipped Away
- Gossamer Tapestry: Atlas Moth (Attacus atlas)
- xenogere /strange behavior/: Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
- Wanderin' Weeta With Waterfowl (and Weeds): Such fun! a big ant and The case of the pregnant mummies boarded 5/30
- Sunny Side Up: Jumping Spider, thiodina sylvana; boarded 5/30
Furry Paws: Meet Our Cousin Nikki>
- Catymology: Unlikely friends ~ Moses and Matilda
- Dohiyi Mir: Thursday Packblogging
- Cactus Blog: Friday Whippet Blogging ~ Jason was visiting with Jaxx
- Mary's View: May Slipped Away
- Ironicus Maximus: Friday Hound Blogging ~ Ron is very mellow...
- maggie's meanderings and shameless plugs:
- Duck Pond: Friday Night Dog Blog ~ Variations: Sasha and Dexter
- Life from a Cat's Perspective: Finally Friday with Samantha & Maverick
In Memoriam
- possumlady place: Namaste Sweet Ned and Bunny
Didn't Make It
- x
Exceptions (inclusion not guaranteed)
- x
Extra, Extra: All Ark boarders are invited to shout out at the Friday Ark Frapper Map.
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to:
- Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday
- The 271st edition, 5/24, is up at The House of (Mostly) Black Cats
- The 272nd edition , 5/31, will be hosted by Kashim & Othello and Salome
- Weekend Cat Blogging which goes up every weekend
- The 207th edition, 5/13-24, is up at Life From A Cat;s Perspective
- The 208th edition, 5/30-31, will be hosted by Tabbulicious
- Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos which goes up every weekend
- The 98th edition, 5/24, is up at Meezer Tails
- The 99th edition, 5/31, will be hosted at Kashim & Othello and Salome Doing double duty?
- Do go shout out at The Catbloggers Frappr Map
Birders: I and the Bird: A Blog Carnival for Bird Lovers is published every 2 weeks.
- The 101st edition, 5/28 is up at Living the Scientific Life
- The 102nd edition, 6/11, will be hosted by The Birder's Lounge
For the spineless: Circus of the Spineless. A monthly celebration of Insects, Arachnids, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Worms and most anything else that wiggles.
- The 36th edition, March, is up at Invertebrate Diaries
- The 37th edition, April, will be hosted by Living the Scientific Life
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to:
- The Canine Carnival hosted by Pamibe last year is on hiatus an looking for a new sponsor
- The Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey's Musings has been out of operation since July 2007
For other current carnivals check out The Blog Carnival and The TTLB Uber Carnival
Posted by Steve on May 29, 2009URL:
Posted by Lab Kat at May 29, 2009 9:07 AMAmgel on his favorite chair
Posted by mamabear at May 29, 2009 8:39 PMFriday again?
I've got bugs for the ark tonight; for the Invertebrates section, Such fun! (a big ant), and The case of the pregnant mummies (aphids and parasitic wasps).
Posted by Susannah at May 30, 2009 1:35 AM