July 30, 2010
Friday Ark #306
We'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and....?
Visit all the boarders, Link to the Ark and check back for updates through Sunday afternoon!
You can board the Friday Ark by submitting your post here, leaving a comment or a trackback to this post or emailing fridayark AT themodulator.org. NOTE: Trackbacks seem to broken right now.
You can find previous editions at the not quite up to date Arkives page.
- Meowsings of An Opinionated Pussycat: The Education of Elvira Begins and Cats Automatically Imitate People?
- It's Morning Somewhere: Friday cat blogging ~ Skittles
- Life from Samantha and Clementine's Perspective: Finally Friday with Samantha, Clementine & Maverick
- Why Now?: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Kitten Confusion
- Survival of the Furriest: Well?
- Feline Rescue, Inc.: Normandy is Ready to Go Home!
- Mickey's Musings: Friday Close Ups
- Niches: Squit and Leona
- Real Art: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Frankie and Sammy
- Our Furry Boys: visit with a fur..riend
- Cokie the Cat: The 49th Night
- Furry Paws: Isn't it hot for sunrays?
- CatSynth: Weekend Cat Blogging #269 ~ Entropy: Luna boarded 7/31
- The Zoo: Molly boarded 8/1
- Pop Culture Gadabout: Weekend Pet Pic ~ Bailey Cat boarded 8/1
- Nature Canada: Piping Plovers
- Birdchick Blog: Are These Oil Damaged Gulls
- Outside My Window: Downpour!
- A Little Piece of Me: Male Cardinal
- Rock Paper Lizard: Barn Swallows
- Birds O' The Morning: Rocky Mountain High
- Evenstar Art: i held a dream
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Friday Creature ~ Sandpipers
- Wanderin' Weeta With Waterfowl (and Weeds): Life's a beach. boarded 7/31
- Bird Ecology Study Group: Distracting feeding behaviour of Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola juncidis malaya) boarded 7/31
- The Ohio Nature Blog: House Wren boarded 8/1
- bogbumper: Black Arch and Shaded Broad-bar
- The Poor Mouth: Toadflax Brocade Moth!
- On Location With Rick Lee: Bumblebee Moth
- Urban Dragon Hunters: Arrowhead Spiketail and Mocha Emerald in Cutler Park
- Pharyngula: Friday Cephalopod
- Wanderin' Weeta With Waterfowl (and Weeds): Another bud on the ever-branching tree boarded 7/31
- Nature in the Ozarks: Tobacco Hornworm (AManduca sexta) boarded 7/31
- The Common Room: NOT for Arachnophobics! boarded 8/1
- Joseph Palmer: Saturday Bee Blogging boarded 8/1
- Snail's Tales: Butterflies boarded 8/1
Other Vertebrates
- House of Herps: House of Herps #8
- Idaho Birding Blog: While I was out birding...
- Vulture Cafe: Wonder
- Birds O' The Morning: Rocky Mountain High
- Coyote Crossing: Flat-tailed Horned Lizard boarded 7/31
- Life from Samantha and Clementine's Perspective: Finally Friday with Samantha, Clementine & Maverick
- Tbogg: Thursday Night Basset Blogging ~ A brief history of the quizzical tilt
- Duck Pond: Friday Night Dog Blog ~ Getting OUt My Back Door: Dexter
- Blackberry Creek Home Arts: New Kid on the Block ~ Meet Buddy Blue, or Mickey Moose-Ears, or Charles Barkless, or Skippy
In Memoriam
- x
Didn't Make It
- x
Exceptions (inclusion not guaranteed)
- I Think My Cat Is An Alien: No Sleeping On The Job
Extra, Extra: All Ark boarders are invited to shout out at the Friday Ark Frapper Map.
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to:
- Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday
- The 332nd edition, 7/26, is up at Three Tabbycats in Vienna
- The 333rd edition , 8/1, will be hosted by One Cats Nip
- Weekend Cat Blogging which goes up every weekend
- The 268th edition, 7/23-25, is up at Nikita's Place
- The 269th edition, 7/30-8/1, will be hosted by Sidewalkshoes
- Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos which goes up monthly
- The 117th edition, July, is up at the Nikita's Place
- The 118th edition, August, will be hosted by the Mind of Mog
- Do go shout out at The Catbloggers Frappr Map
Birders: I and the Bird: A Blog Carnival for Bird Lovers is published every 2 weeks.
- The 130th edition , 7/22 is up at the Count Your Chicken! We’re Taking Over!
- The 131st edition, 8/5, will be hosted by The Flying Mullet
For the Spineless: Circus of the Spineless. A monthly celebration of Insects, Arachnids, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Worms and most anything else that wiggles.
- The 52nd edition, July, is up at Kind of Curious
- The 53rd edition, August, will be hosted by the Birder's Lounge
For the Herp lovers: House of Herps. The monthly blog carnival devoted exclusively to reptiles and amphibians.
- The 8th edition, July, is up at House of Herps
- The 9th edition, August, Needs a Host
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to:
- The Canine Carnival hosted by Pamibe last year is on hiatus an looking for a new sponsor
- The Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey's Musings has been out of operation since July 2007
For other current carnivals check out The Blog Carnival and The TTLB Uber Carnival
Posted by Steve on July 30, 2010Hi,
I'm confused. This week, I actually sent in my posts on time (Thursday), using the blogcarnival submitter, but they didn't show up. What did I do wrong?
Anyhow, again, here are my critters for the Ark: for Birds, Life's a Beach (Gulls - scroll down), and for Invertebrates, Another bud on the ever-branching tree; Hermit crabs.
Posted by Susannah at July 31, 2010 9:45 AM