
Link Post 2021-03-26

The Border-Industrial Complex in the Post-Trump Era: The Crisis is Capitalism – Juan Cole

Biden Isn’t Talking for a Reason – Peter Nicholas

How This Voting Rights Bill Could Turn the Next Election Into a Clusterf*ck – Jessica Huseman

The Growing Movement to End the Surveillance Economy – David Dayen

Fighting for the Earth – Tom Smith

How civil asset forfeiture undermines government legitimacy – Tim Sandefur

The 9th Circuit Says the Right To Bear Arms Does Not Extend Beyond Your Doorstep – Jacob Solum

More Antifragile, Diversity Libertarianism, And Corporate Censorship – Scott Alexander

Will the Handmaid’s Tale Make You A Better Listener?

This is the walkaway that Bruce Miller, Executive Producer of Hulu’s new series, The Handmaid’s Tale, want’s viewers to have:

But if you can provoke some better listening that would be a goal for a show like this. To look at someone in an extreme situation, and talk about it, and through that recognize something you can translate to your normal life.

Will you be more likely to listen to others after you watch The Handmaid’s Tale?

Well, it is to early to tell but I know that I am going read the book again and will be activating a Hulu account soon.

In the meantime, listen when others are talking!

Here are a few related links that I have run across recently:

There are plenty more if you want to take a deeper dive via your search engine of choice.


Friday Ark in Drydock

As a few of you have noticed things have been quiet here.  No modulating going on since April 2016. And, before that, little but Friday Ark sailings since, wow, 2009.

It was not my originally intent that this site be all Friday Ark and related postings all the time and I am very disappointed in myself for so completely wandering away from A gathering of thoughts on life, politics, economics, culture and… 

In fact, there was no thought of the Friday Ark back in December 2002 when Modulator went live with, well as embarrassing as it was, a test post.

Do not get me wrong. I love the Friday Ark and all the friends and boarders that have sailed with us over the years. The experience has been wonderful.

There is a bunch more after the break.

TL;DR: Friday Ark history, things have changed, we had fun, thanks, maybe a return to the beginning…
