August 19, 2003

bush's Payback, or Influence Peddling Inflation

As reported here bush has doubled the cost of support in the last 4 years:

His stop at a $2,000-per-head fund-raiser in the Hunts Point home of Craig McCaw will be his second visit to the billionaire cell-phone magnate's home. In July 1999, Bush attended a $1,000-a-plate fund-raiser there.
So far 600 folks have signed up to hear bush say things like:
I look forward to signing the economic recovery bill soon. The principle of the bill is pretty simple, that we believe the more money people have in their pockets, the more likely it is somebody is going to be able to find work in America. In other words, the more money somebody has, it means somebody is more likely to demand a good or a service, which means somebody will produce a good or a service, which means somebody is likely to find work. , Washington, D.C., May 22, 2003
It seems clear that the type of service bush expects these folks to buy has a lot to do with his campaign and the bush jobs program.

Posted by Steve on August 19, 2003
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