The Blog Rolls 3 comments

What’s the deal with my blog rolls? Read on:

Updated September 3, 2003.

Top Roll:

This is my main roll. On any given day I may read only sites from here. And I’m more likely to read something that has been recently updated (currently set for a 6 hour window) so do ping
Presented in order of most recently updated.
This roll is maintained on and is generated using PHP code and should be visible to visiting robots.

Center Roll:

Two sets of sites currently live in this roll:

1) those moving upward from the Base Roll or downward from the Top Roll
2) reciprocals.

Presented in order of most recently updated.
This roll is maintained on and is generated using PHP code and should be visible to visiting robots.

Base Roll:

I use this to track sites that look interesting and that I might want to include on my permanent rolls.
I don’t review these sites near as often as the Center or Top rolls but when I do I perform a triage: a) nah, not really interesting so delete, b) neutral, no change, c) yea, I’m still liking what I see so make another entry for them.
This is a large roll and currently I have 77 random sites shown when Modulator’s main page is opened. Sort is random.
This roll is maintained on and is currently generated using Javascript code. Robots may not read these sites.

Journals and Media:

Just as it says…a selection of electronic journals and other web based media. Just as in the other rolls there are items from multiple colors of the political spectrum. Maintained on

Top Referrers Roll:

As of September 03 this is the list of blogger sites that referred 10 or more visits. It does not include service sites like Movable Type, Technorati,, etc., though I will mention them in my monthly announcement regarding top referrers.
Presented in random order.
This roll is maintained on and is generated using PHP code and should be visible to visiting robots.

Open Source Politics

Regular contributors to Open Source Politics.
Presented in order of most recently updated.
This roll is maintained on and is generated using PHP code and should be visible to visiting robots.

3 thoughts on “The Blog Rolls

  • serenity

    I won’t hold my breath waiting to land on your perma roll seeing as how we will probably not agree on about 99% of what each other writes.
    However, I do respect the fact that you read sites from all sides. That makes for a good blogger.

  • steve

    Well, that 1% at least includes the spam that showed up in the comment thread to the July 23 Everything is Wrong post over at NZ Bear’s place.
    You might be surprized how soon you could land on one of my two permanent rolls. Of course, the easiest way would be as a reciprical. Other then that it’s just a matter of how often I get there and how often I find something interesting. Oh and, stuff I disagree with is often very interesting.
    And since we might “disagree” on 99% the conversation could be much more interesting than if we agreed on everything.

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