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To all you IE users that came by while I was on vacation and who were greated by my rebellious right sidebar blotting out a couple posts. A temporary fix is in place.
Thanks to serenity and Nurse Ratched for letting me know about the problem.
Update: This problem turned out to be an extra division statement on my main template.

Appearance Apologies

I admit it, I seldom use Internet Explorer. So when I looked at Modulator in IE for the first time in a while I realized that my CSS stuff was not working quite right. At least for IE 6.0 users. It should be fixed now and easier to read for you folks. Let me know if you notice any problems.

Movable Type

Invisible Adjunct posts a nice piece on the tribulations of the newcomer to Movable Type. Yep, it is not quite the same as starting that first Blogger site: name it and start posting. Movable Type does have a learning curve and Invisible Adjunct speaks for me: each confusing item he mentions hit me as well. The answer may be Movable Type for Dummies. Or, a more complete discussion of this stuff in the documantation. And, I agree Trackback was/is a bit confusing.
Now, on to that 3 column layout. This is my next tweak. I’ve been collecting samples and am leaning toward using a Table to create the structure instead of CSS. Whichever it is will be an experiment and I do plan to use a test blog as a learning tool. I’ll get right on this in a couple weeks when taxes are done.