Search Results for : newrq

The Republican Way

John Cole’s description is pretty accurate:

The right wing of the Republican party has sold the libertarian/centrist wing of the party a bill of goods, and the modern ‘conservatives’ are clearly nothing more than statists who, rather than redistributing wealth like their brethern on the left, instead have decided that the state must have excessive rights in order to ‘protect’ us all from whatever the imagined fear du jour might be. Meanwhile, no one is left protecting us from the religionists and the the state itself.
In the new Republican era, only fetuses , tax shelters, and ‘traditional’ marriage deserve protection. According to the actions of the current Republican party, the rest of us need to be wiretapped, monitored, have our homes inspected for whatever reason without warrants, and are incapable of making decisions on our own.

He does give the left more of a break than deserved as they would like to control and protect us from every imagined ill that repugs haven’t latched on to and, sadly, both are strongly vested in many areas.

For example, the drug war. The case which kicked off John’s post was a 4th amendment case, Georgia V Randolph, in which the Georgia Supreme Court had ruled that the seizure of some cocaine was unconstitutional. Lawyers and pundits have spending many words over the privacy and search issues involved in the case. In a free country, one not proctored by the above mentioned dems and reps, this case would never happen. Unless, say, Randolph stole his cocaine. Otherwise there is no legitmate crime here.

Modernizing Conservatism

David Brooks touts bush as a saviour (original behind the NYT curtain) as noted by the Boston Globe:

Assaying the right-of-center crackup, David Brooks, The New York Times’s thoughtful conservative columnist, has praised Bush for modernizing conservatism and making the GOP the party of the middle class.

bush, of course, is the guy who should have given this statement in response to the libby indictments. How many of you, though, expected anything more than what you got…samo, samo for the last 5 years? It’s nice to know, Brooksie, that this is the shining figurehead of the future of conservatism as now we also know that the g w bush brand won’t be on the map for long.