The Way of Castenada

I have read all or part of each of Carlos Castenada’s books and still reach for one from time to time when I need to refresh the way I look at the world, when my vision has stagnated. Castenada himself was always a mystery and early on I decided that while I’d be happiest if the narratives could be verified through peer review (I don’t think this has happened) that they might be fiction did not really take away from their transformative power.
Amy Wallace has released a new book, SORCEROR’S APPRENTICE: My Life with Carlos Castaneda, which Castenada aficionados may want to read.

A review by Brian Doherty, Reason associate editor, appeared recently in the Washington Post and Doherty does not seem impressed with what he reads about Wallace’s relationship with Castenada:

As the absurdities and lies of the sorcerer’s world pile up, the skeptical reader can’t help but lose sympathy with Wallace for not doing her own vanishing act.

While he calls the book a “compelling page-turner” Doherty clearly does not think much of hte Castenada it portrays.
Sometimes it is best not to know too much about the authors you read. Nevertheless I’ll watch for the book to show up at the library and give it a read.