ashcroft rests

Tonight ashcroft is doing something he is marginally qualified for:

John Ashcroft’s nationwide tour to defend the government’s new surveillance powers in terrorism probes has stopped for the night. The U.S. attorney general is settling in at Comerica Park to watch some baseball

Remember that this is the guy who was so down and out that he could not even beat a dead man:

Two years after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the conservative Republican from Missouri has become the most powerful attorney general in decades.
Since losing his seat in the U.S. Senate to a dead man in the 2000 elections and barely surviving Senate confirmation hearings for his current job, Ashcroft emerged after 9/11 as one of the most formidable members of the Bush administration. At the heart of Ashcroft’s influence, and his awakening from what senior Justice Department officials describe as an unfocused first few months in office in 2001, is the increased surveillance authority granted to federal agents by the Patriot Act.

Overall this USA Today article is pretty decent.