bush as saddam

Seems the pres wants to get his picture out (yea, I know the article says that some admin dude requested the pictures) but:

State Department types were taken aback last week to find that a longtime diplomatic photo exhibit along a busy corridor to the cafeteria had been taken down. The two dozen mostly grainy black and white shots were a historic progression of great diplomatic moments, sources recalled.
Then they were gone. And what was put up in their place? What else? A George W. Bush family album montage of 21 large photos of the president as diplomat. … There’s one of Bush meeting in happier days with his very good friend Jacques Chirac, president of France, and another with his even better friend, Gerhard Schroeder, chancellor of Germany.

You go read the article and decide whether the replacements are an improvement.
I understand that folks at all levels of the political ladder have a driving need to know their picture is everywhere. Marketing you know.
I wonder how soon the statues will start going up.
Via digby.