Damage Limits

The Texas voters elected bush governor, twice, so it should not surprise anyone that they are willing to vote away their rights:

Other states have passed similar limits on medical malpractice awards, but Texas has now taken the process one giant step further. The initiative
extends the limits on malpractice awards across the board for lawsuits that could cover polluters, toxic dumpers, unsafe apartment buildings, hazardous workplaces or dangerous products.

Well, at least some of the Texas voters did this:

…Prop 12 passed with (last time I checked) 1% of the vote. The talking heads on the local news was very impressed with a 19% turn out (they had expected only 16%) for the vote. All I can say is if 19% voter turn out is a cause for excitement then our democracy is more threatened than I thought.

There is a lot of material and links in the Confined Space post and there is more over at A Skeptical Blog including here.
Via Nathan Newman.