Challenging bush in 2004

There are some conservatives (many of a libertarian bent) who are not happy with the bush administration. Those looking to unseat bush would do well to take a look at what these folks are unhappy with and figure out how to integrate some of their concerns into your arguments.
Many good examples of these issues (you won’t agree with everything) are detailed in this post by Josh Claybourn who tells us:

But over the past three years – essentially since George W. Bush has taken office – conservatism’s role in the party has come into question. I’ve listened and tried to understand the logic put forth by some in the GOP that Bush’s brand of politics is the best option available. After a few years contemplating this predicament I’ve come to the conclusion that that’s just not so. Here is a condensed list of complaints.

Go read’m in the post linked above.
Radley Balko adds another complaint here where he gives you the talking point: Why doesn’t bush support the constitution? Sure, you might think it is a good thing that bush signed the campaign finance reform bill, flawed as it was, but if he thought it was unconstitutional what principles led him to break his oath of office?