Absentee Voting

Atrios thinks absentee voting disrupts the rhythm of a campaign:

…but more generally I really really don’t like the proliferation of easy vote-by-mail. I know many disagree with me on this subject, but a campaign has a certain rhythm to it and voting weeks in advance tends to undercut that.

Well, the ‘rhythm’ of a campaign means little to me. I sometimes make my election decisions early and sometime the day before. When I complete the process I seal the envelope, lick the stamp and put it in the mail.
I find that I put much more effort into the process then I ever did when I headed to the voting booth especially for the minor offices.
Atrios, go to the booth if you like. I’m all for voting by mail. And will be, as well, for internet based voting when the muiltitude of security issues are resolved.
Via NTodd.