Daily Archives: April 2, 2004

Where We’ve Been

Lists detailing what it was like somewhere in 19xx or 18xx show up from time to time in varying formats. We might be well served if we clipped and posted one next to our monitors as a reminder of how much things can change and how little someone looking back on 2004 from the future may understand us.
Tyler Cowen provides some excerpts from one version and Michael at 2blowhards provides a variant extracted from an audio Economics course he has listening to.
Read both lists here:


Friday Spiders

For those of you who miss Kevin Drum’s cats there is some fine spider blogging today.
First, PZ Myers introduces us to his first spring visitor.
Second, Mrs Tilton presents a couple of fine arachnids in detail. Mrs Tilton is a regular Friday spider blogger who will be on vacation for a couple weeks.
Update: In this exclusive interview with SK Bubba Kevin, now blogging at The Washington Monthly, reveals why cat blogging ended:

SKB: Have you consciously changed your blogging style? For example, do you tend towards more “serious” topics?
KD: No. ….They just asked me to keep doing what I’ve been doing all along.
The only change is that I don’t do purely personal posting anymore. Catblogging is the main fatality.