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Photos, Videos and More Photos

Steve Verdon asks:

A video was released on a militant islamic websitie supposedly showing the beheading of an American.
Now for those who are clamoring for the full disclosure of all the pictures and videos of the Iraqi prisoners…do you favor releasing this video? If not, how do you explain your hypocrisy?

As one who advocates full disclosure at all levels of government I’d be happy to answer.
Yes, release the video. And, release pictures of the coffins both leaving Iraq and arriving home; release pictures of the dead and wounded in situ (be they American, British, Iraqi, or other); release pictures of everything.

Blogger Comments

Blogger has released a new version that is making its users pretty happy.
However this seems like a pretty good reason for Blogger users to not use the new comment feature:

I thought I would start to switch over, but then I noticed the big problems with Blogger Comments as compared to Haloscan.
You can open Blogger comments to anyone (which I have), but when you post, you seem to have only two choices. If you are a registered user of Blogger, it allows you to put your name, but if you aren’t, you are anonymous. In addition, there’s no options to enter e-mail or, more importantly, website address.

In fact, this is really broken. Apparently not all the lights at Google are as bright as they’d like us to believe.