Search Results for : newrq

Mass Transit Systems

Planning a trip or just interested in transit systems? Check out this online reference or if you prefer a book try Metro Maps of the World1.
Oh, and as long as we are doing transit systems try out your subway driving skills with Catch the Tube curtesy of The Presurfer.
1If you want the book hop over to Parsec Project and click through to from the link there as that is where I found the reference.

Homeland Insecurity II

A few days ago I linked to a story by a student in Seattle who ran afoul of what appears to be some overzealous law enforcement folks.
Via Pacific Views I see that there are some legs on the story. From the Seattle Times:

On Monday night, the volume of Internet traffic to Ian Spiers’ Web site � � crashed his server. Strangers from Chicago and New Zealand offered him space on their servers to get his story back online.
There is more at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.