A Year in the Life of a Blog

A year in the life of a what? A blog?
Terry Teachout’s blog, About Last Night, was a year old yesterday and I am reminded that even though it is on my blogroll I do not read it often enough.
Terry reminisces a bit and reaches into the ether to find some representative material from the past year. This item reminds me both of Tyler Cowan’s discussion of the fame and merit of critics in What Price Fame? and the transitory nature of our being:

Few biographers and fewer critics long outlive their own time, and I doubt I�ll be one of them. More likely I will go down in history as the first known owner of Hart-Davis 631, and in 2104 some art historian specializing in the Edwardian era will click on that entry in a computerized catalogue raisonn�, scratch his head, and say, �Who was that fellow with the odd name? Did it ever occur to him that the only thing he�d be remembered for was having owned a Max Beerbohm caricature and edited an H.L. Mencken anthology?� Indeed it did�and let it be said, if not necessarily remembered, that the prospect made me smile.
Yep, if you can look at yourself a 100 years down the road and smile then I suggest that you are doing just fine.
Oh yes, the opening question. Well both Teachout and Baude both have some thoughts that are worth the time to read.