Now This is Broadband

Not DSL, not 3 Mbps cable. Nope, this is broadband:

Cairns, North Queensland, Australia, July 6, 2004 – ResearchChannel, an industry leader in Internet distribution of quality content, demonstrated the first successful transmission of full bandwidth High Definition (HD) 1080i video between two desktop computers using high speed networking technology at the Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) conference in Cairns, Australia today. Conference attendees were treated to three HD video clips streamed at a sustained data rate of 1.5 gigabits per second. (emphasis added)
And, I think, this is exactly what big media and big cable are afraid of and why we haven’t seen a more agressive roll out of broadband services. Heck, even 100 Mbps full duplex would open the door to massive disintermediation of the media industry.
You might want to check out the huge amount of educational material available to be streamed at the ResearchChannel.