Search Results for : newrq

Counting Calories and More

If you count calories, carbohydrates, protein, etc., you may find way more data than you need at Search by food name or food group and sort as needed.
It’s fast and you can find out, for instance, that a Taco Bell Taco Salad has 906.1 calories and 15.99 grams of fiber (2nd most in the fast food group).
Via Kidney Notes.

cornyn v miers

senator john cornyn, rep-tex, joins the executive branch chorus singing the praises of nominee miers and, inter alia, states(reg):

I know that she understands that unelected judges who serve in a democracy have a limited role–to apply the law as it was written by the people’s representatives.

And then quotes her contradicting his view:

She aptly described her judicial philosophy on Monday when she said, “It is the responsibility of every generation to be true to the founders’ vision of the proper role of the courts and our society.” The courts, she continued, have “obligations to strictly apply the laws and the Constitution.”

Being true to the founder’s vision and having “obligations to strictly apply the laws and the Constitution” is dramatically different from applying “..the law as it was written by the people’s representatives.”
This seems, in fact, to be a rather deep difference between cornyn and miers. Perhaps her actions on the court, if approved, will indeed be on the behalf of freedom and liberty. Then, again, she’s been in the executive branch of government for a long time and fully understands doublespeak.
(Ed: emphasis added)
Via Will Baude.

Tangled Bank #38 Is Up

GrrlScientist, also know as Hedwig The Owl, is hosting Tangled Bank #38. You’ll find plenty of interesting scientific and medical reading amongst the 41 articles.
Oh, the botanists and farmers amongst you will enjoy the fine scent of the….well, let’s just say that “GrrlScientist note: this rascal looks like a piece of bacon wrapped around a couple blades of grass.