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Why Pay’m?

Brian calls’m Spineless Bottom Feeders and asks:

Why are we paying these 535 people?

Hey, their big money comes from the folks they feed at the trough with.

An institution not focused on securing the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of its citizens and primarily devoted to stealing from some and giving the money to others and often to themselves via those others ought to be eliminated.

When An Author’s Autograph is Worth Nothing

Just why the hell would anyone stand in line for not an autograph:

Author Margaret Atwood has grown weary of the traveling that comes with promotional book tours. Such tours are grueling, and her experience with delivery drivers who hold out an electronic device for a signature gave her an idea: maybe there was a way to create a system whereby she could sign a book from a distance.
She teamed with Matthew Gibson and several others to produce the device, naming the firm Unotchit pronounced “you no touch it.” The device was given its first-ever public demonstration on Sunday, and despite technical glitches that had to be overcome, they managed to get the device working.

This gives a whole new meaning to autographed first edition and no enhancement in value: either emotional or financial.
I’ve been to a few book signings over the years and enjoyed hearing authors read from their work and discuss related issues with the audience. This would be ok via teleconferencing which probably will be standard once holographic/virtual presence technology becomes the norm.

There is no way, though, that mechanical scribbling is an acceptable stand in for the author’s in the flesh signature.