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Solving New Orlean’s Murder Problem

Yesterday afternoon NPR presented a lengthy story on murder in present day New Orleans:

New Orleans’ murder rate is as high as it was in July 2005, but the city’s homicide squad employs one-quarter the staff it had before Katrina. Day or night, working conditions are beyond difficult.

Early in the piece the reporter noted that many think that the high murder rate, nearly double that of pre-Katrina New Orleans, is due to strife between gangs over drug sales turf. This may be true and midway through the piece one police officer is interviewed who very explicity describes the battles going on over various street corners. Yet of all the murders that are reported in the story only one closes with its cause: a 15 year old boy is killed by someone who thinks he stole his FEMA money.

Not drugs but Fema money.

However, if the good folks in New Orleans would like to dramatically reduce, if not eliminate, the drug turf murders and mayhem they can do so easily: legalize the sale and use of currenly illegal drugs. There are few murders over the marketing and sale of goods and services that are not suppressed by governments.

So, New Orleans, solve your drug related murder problem. Reject the failed war on drugs.

abramoff on rove

No respect amongst thieves :

“Like I said, everything that comes out of the White House is logged in,” explained Abramoff. “The phone calls he makes. The phone calls he receives. So this is just easier. It keeps things a lot cleaner. And he’s a fat fuck, and he can use the exercise.”

There is plenty more on rove in this upcoming book: The Architect: Karl Rove and the Master Plan for Absolute Power .

Via Jessa Crispin.