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w the Symptom

Arthur Silber on bush:

And all this is not because of George W. Bush, although he has hastened events. How could it be remotely conceivable that such an utterly ridiculous figure would bring down the most powerful nation in the world, even with the aid of his corrupt cabal? He, and they, could not; he, too, is a symptom of the rot that has been eroding the country’s foundations for at least a century. Do you think so little of the United States that you truly believe the country you imagine still exists could be destroyed by this?

The rest just gets better!

Stay. The. Course.

Crime & Federalism links to a couple videos on bush’s stay the course policies.

It is pretty disheartening to hear the bushites trying to explain how changing tactics on the ground proves that they have never had a ‘stay the course’ strategy. Clearly they never have and do not now know the difference between strategy and tactics. Unfortunately, and with some thanks to the ongoing successes of the American education system, large segments of the population, including lots of talk radio hosts, will drink this kool-aid.

Mark Silva argues that, well, stay the course is still the strategy.