Search Results for : newrq

The Vista

As we were just talking about correct usage we should also note that Microsoft is officially releasing The Vista and other stuff this week:

At an invitation-only affair in New York this week, CEO Steve Ballmer will unveil Windows Vista, Office 2007, and Exchange Server 2007, an upgrade to Microsoft’s market-leading e-mail platform.

The title of the above article is 100 Things You Must Know About Microsoft’s Most Important Product Launch Ever.

User Friendly saves you the work of reading all the details:


More in the series here and here

Border Costs

Jaquandor reminds me that the cost of government is higher than the published budget numbers:

…at about 12:30 we left the Falls for the Lewiston Bridge back to the US, and then home.
The Lewiston Bridge was backed up. Badly. We rolled to a stop about 1.5 KM short of the bridge itself, whereupon we spent the next three hours slowly inching forward, closer and closer to the bridge, then over the bridge, and finally to the Customs checkpoint into the US.
Three hours. About two miles total distance.

That’s a lot of people having a lot of their time wasted and there is more to the story.
Of course there is no explanation by the border person as to why Jaquandor and his family had to go through the grilling and search. My family did not have to on our last crossing a few weeks ago and there would have been no pressure on the guard not to take her time…there was no one in line behind us at the time.

Free people would not be subjected to this crap.

Friday Ark #114

We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….?

We add boarders all day Friday plus intermittently on Saturday and Sunday so visit frequently.

Do link to the Ark every week!

You can find out how to board the Friday Ark at the Arkive page.

Update (11/26): Our apologizes to those who tried to board late Friday or yesterday. Family matters and travel were at the fore.





Other Vertebrates

  • Watermark Here’s a squirrel for you; boarded 2006-11-26

In Memoriam

Didn’t Make It

  • x

Exceptions (inclusion not guaranteed)

  • x

Extra, Extra: All Ark boarders are invited to shout out at the Friday Ark Frapper Map. (73 shouts as of 11/23)

Dog folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey’s Musings. Also, there are more doggies at Weekend Dog Blogging hosted this weekend by Sweetnicks.

Cat folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday and the 139th edition, 11/19, is up at Mind of Mog. The 140th edition will be hosted by Scribblings on 11/26. There are more weekly cats at Weekend Cat Blogging hosted on 11/25 by House of the (Mostly) Black Cats . Do go shout out at The Catbloggers Frappr Map.

Bird folks: I and the Bird: A Blog Carnival for Bird Lovers is published every 2 weeks. The 36th edition is up and hosted by Words & Pictures. The 37th edition will be hosted on 11/30 by Five Wells.

For the spineless: Circus of the Spineless. A monthly celebration of Insects, Arachnids, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Worms and most anything else that wiggles. The 14th edition is up at The Neurophilosopher’s Weblog. The 14th edition will be hosted at the end of November by Ocellated.

For other current carnivals check out The Conservative Cat’s Carnival Page, The Blog Carnival and The TTLB Uber Carnival

Note for Haloscan Users:

Over the past month or so Haloscan started (the end of July) handling of trackbacks has improved though it is still pretty broken for carnival type posts. Now, instead of rejecting every attempt to ping it accepts single pings for a while and then will start rejecting them. I will keep trying to track back to Haloscan boarders but can make no guarantees for any particular week.

Note for Typepad Users:

Typepad continues to behave similar to Haloscan for trackbacks. I have, though, for the past month been able to get trackbacks to most, if not all, Typepad based boarders. I have to do it one at a time and wait a while in between pings but Typepad does not go into semi-permanent rejection mode like Haloscan.