We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….?
Visit all the boarders, Link to the Ark and check back for updates through Sunday afternoon!
You can find out how to board the Friday Ark at the Arkive page.
- Solidly Average: Harley Snoozin’
- House of Chaos: Sable Stranger
- Sisu: Tiny and Baby, Baby and Tiny
- Bad Kitty Cats: Thirteen Reasons Doubled
- The Poor Mouth: Robyn at rest
- Val’s Bien: Bows, Healthy At Last
- Texas Oasis: Catblogging – Think about Alex
- Melange: The Pancake Position ~ Miss Willow
- Music and Cats: Feline Friday ~ Lyra is having a quiet moment
- It’s Morning Somewhere: Friday Cat Blogging – Hunting with Rocky Girl
- Manx Mnews: Friday Cat Blogging – Boo and Jinx
- No Deep Thoughts: Friday Cat Blogging – Charlie is a very tidy cat
- Stereophile: Stereophile: Damn Paparazzi! ~ xBagheera and Huckleberry says Damn Paparazzi!
- Michael and Jaspenelle: Mirror Mirror – Aos
- Why Now?: Friday Cat Blogging: Being Annoying
- Chasing Grace: A Cat’s Prayer
- Pamibe: Before his eyes started to turn ~ Angus
- Dragonheart’s Domain: Frootbat Friday ~ My last as a kitten
- Chat Katze: chat katze: Weekend Cat Blogging in the Friday Ark!
- Leslie’s Omnibus: The Divine Miss Marilyn’s Shadow
- Lincoln State Cat Club: Tummy Tuesdays
- Elms in the Yard: Cool Cat Cools Off
- composite drawlings: Friday Catblog ~ mayhem and madness of Zoom
- Life from a Cat’s Perspective: Friday Five Meme
- Mind of Mog: Tongue’n Toes Thursday #12 ~ Bazel and Caught In The Act
- iInfidel: Upset at me, why?
- bloggo chicago: Friday Cat Blogging #54: The New Modular Home – Hopper and Basil
- Jelly Pizza: Hey, I’m Trying To Sleep Here…
- Real Art: Friday Cat Blogging: Reine and Phil
- TacJammer: Duck and Cover
- Dolphin’s Dock: Feline Friday ~ Sigyn
- Thoughts from the Middle of Nowhere: Tiger
- LadyGunn: She’s Ba-ack… Psycho Sydney and Several New Assistants boarded 7/14
and Tuesday tummy
- Sisu: Ladybug and Unknown Newborns
- Pharyngula: Friday Cephalopod: Origin of the Octosquid?
- Rurality: Still Raining
- Athenamama: Bath Day for Jacqueline
- composite drawlings: Dogblog ~ Clyde puts on a show
- Duck Pond: Friday Night Dog Blog: Lost Keys ~ Sasha, Dexter and Rebel
- The Common Room: Donovan Update
- Thoughts From The Waiting Room: Friday Dog Blog: The Graduate
- A Stitch In Haste: Diamond Update boarded 7/14
- Breathing: Anatolian Shephard Alfie boarded 7/14
Other Vertebrates
- The Pet Haven: Betta Picture
- Living the Scientific Life: Rare Pygmy Hippo Born in Paris Zoo; and Snow Leopard Kitten
- cookiesinheaven: Bob the Turtle can use your help!
- Catymology: Night visitors
- Smokey Mountain Breakdown: Friday Ark ~ Cowpocolypse
- X-TREME Tea Time: Friday Creature – Manatee
- What Do I Know?: Friday Cow Blogging ~ Look! Flying apples!
- Lincoln State Cat Club: Tootin’the Horn Kenny and Willie
- Rurality: Grey Tractor Frog (Hyla chrysoscelis or maybe Hyla versicolor)
- Athenamama: Bob
- 10,000 Birds: Happy 2nd Anniversary ~ I and the Bird #53 boarded 7/7
- The Egret’s Nest: Wings
- Rurality: Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo)
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Friday Creature
- A DC Birding Blog: Loose Feathers #106 – Long-billed Curlew and birding links
- The Urban Pantheist: Geese
In Memoriam
- Mind of Mog: Krissie Has Come Home
Didn’t Make It
- x
Exceptions (inclusion not guaranteed)
- The Mystery of the Haunted Vampire: Vampire Kitty Friday
Extra, Extra: All Ark boarders are invited to shout out at the Friday Ark Frapper Map.
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey’s Musings. Also, there are more doggies at Weekend Dog Blogging hosted this weekend by Sweetnicks.
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to the Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday and the 172nd edition, 7/8, is up at Mind of Mog . The 173rd edition will be hosted on 7/15 by TBD. There are more weekly cats at Weekend Cat Blogging #110 hosted on 7/14-7/15 by Dragonheart’s Domain . Do go shout out at The Catbloggers Frappr Map.
Bird folks: I and the Bird: A Blog Carnival for Bird Lovers is published every 2 weeks. The 53rd edition is up and hosted by 10,000 Birds. The 54th edition will be hosted on 7/26 by The Egret’s Nest.
For the spineless: Circus of the Spineless. A monthly celebration of Insects, Arachnids, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Worms and most anything else that wiggles. The 22nd edition is up and hosted by Burning Silo. The 23rd edition will be hosted at the end of July by Words & Pictures .
For other current carnivals check out The Conservative Cat’s Carnival Page, The Blog Carnival and The TTLB Uber Carnival
Note for Haloscan Users:
Over the past month or so Haloscan started (the end of July) handling of trackbacks has improved though it is still pretty broken for carnival type posts. Now, instead of rejecting every attempt to ping it accepts single pings for a while and then will start rejecting them. I will keep trying to track back to Haloscan boarders but can make no guarantees for any particular week.
Note for Typepad Users:
Typepad continues to behave similar to Haloscan for trackbacks. I been able to get trackbacks to most, if not all, Typepad based boarders. I have to do it one at a time and wait a while in between pings but Typepad does not go into semi-permanent rejection mode like Haloscan.
Friday Vampire Kitty Blogging at the Mystery of the Haunted Vampire!
And thanks so much for linking to Bob the turtle’s saga.
Just breaks my heart how someone can do that to a “turtle guy”
You Guessed It- Friday Creature
I haven’t gotten any good pictures of British animals yet. So far the only one’s I’ve really seen other than a couple of truely adorable West Highland terriers are the strange flying ants that mysteriously swarmed the hall, stairs, laundry…
Thirteen Reasons Doubled
Snot Face Girl Child Mad is gone far far away. Well, not that far away, but she and Boy Child Max went to Texas for two weeks. In a very ueventful trip to New Orleans Airport, they landed in one piece. Normally we have airport nightmares, but the retur…
“If only the right people were in charge”
People who live in fat houses shouldn’t throw their weight around. Former fatty Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has some fun with Michael Moore’s ample girth as an example of why the health care system costs so much in this country.
Friday Cow Blogging
Look! Flying apples! At last I can reveal how I manage to get all those up-close cow photos. I come to the fence armed with apples, which always brings the more bodacious members of the herd running over. (If you’ve
Charlie is a very tidy cat
Feline Friday: Mirror Mirror
Mirror, mirror on the floor, who is the most beautiful kitty for ever more?[…]
I blogged about wee Angus here:
I celebrate my last Frootbat Friday as a kitten. 🙂
Friday Cat Blogging
Being Annoying
Go Away!
[Editor: I was using Sox as a model for different camera modes and he was not happy because the flash kept going off, even when I thought it wouldn’t.]
Friday Ark
Wild turkey with babies:
Wet dog:
Gray Tractor Frog:
Friday Creature
Here’s another bird I saw in Florida last month, a white ibis. Also, check out DD’s manatee photo and all the other creatures on this week’s ark! Have a great weekend (Happy Friday the 13th!)!…
I want to forgo today’s post about Jackie and Angel, and instead write about a story that I saw in yesterday’s paper. Photo courtesy of the Sullivan family. This is Bob before he was stolen over the weekend. The other…
Bath Day For Jacqueline
Jackie is much better about taking a bath than Angel is. If Papa so much as hears the water dripping in the bath tub he crawls so far under the bed we have to get a flashlight just to see…
Tongue ‘n Toes Thursday #12
Here’s open mouth Bazel surrounded by the pillows he’s chewed in support of Meowza’s meme.
“Correction. It’s Tongue, Toes ‘n Teeth.”
Closeup of the teeth…. and tongue.
“They’re sharp so …
Sasha and Dexter got lose when Rebel came along, and it turned out that his owner has picked up my Lost Keys along the track.
Upset at me, why?
I think Mog must be mad at me cause she hasn’t let me near the keyboard ever since I peed on the blender. I don’t know why it should upset her so. It’s not like I’m going to pee on the keyboard. Although that might not be a bad…
Thanks as always for coordinating the great pictures.
Feline Friday: A quiet moment
Shhh… Lyra’s having some quiet time on the cat tree. No yowling to be petted or fed, no hissing at on of those pesky boy cats, no cackling at the birds outside. Just a moment of peace and quiet… if only someone would get that camera …
Friday Cat Blogging No. 54: The New Modular Home
That’s Hopper relaxing on the terrace of the cats’ new modular home. Basil’s in the “backyard futon.”
Angelo says: More pet pics are available for your viewing pleasure at this week’s Friday Ark. If you post your…
Friday Ark Available
A glimpse into the wonderful world of animals.
What a lucky day, Taboo woke up in time to board!
Hey, I’m Trying To Sleep Here…
Duck and Cover
Mycah has of late become much more favorably disposed towards her kitty bed. She spends quite a bit of time there — including most of the day today. [Click for larger.] Head down, in if-she-can’t-see-trouble-it-won’t-find-her mode. Thus, she has …
Caught In The Act
Living up to his nick of Mr. Chew, Bazel is caught chewing, er would have had been caught curtain in teeth if the flashy had worked faster. I’m going to have to replace a lot, all the curtains as well as the sofa slipcovers. Bad kittycat.
Krissie Has Come Home
Well her ashes have, in an unmarked white plastic container which was wrapped in a paper towel. Kindof sterile looking. Guess I’ll have to buy a proper urn for the dearly departed kittycat and find a proper display spot or Jill will.
Krissie A…
Thanks for a nice round-up this week, like every week a tremendous job.
It’s just… I do think the House of Chaos is not the House of the (Mostly) Black Cats… I might be wrong of course, but since I am the Mistress of the House of Chaos and two of our four cats sport other colours than black… ;-P
Diamond Update
The surgery was a complete success, but the recovery was not. The cone, or “e-collar” the vet gave her was too short.
The link to my post is broken (looks like a misplaced quotation mark)…
The link is: http://www.dolphinsdock.com/2007/07/13/feline-friday/