We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….?
Visit all the boarders, Link to the Ark and check back for updates through Sunday afternoon!
You can board the Friday Ark by submitting your post here, leaving a comment or a trackback to this post or emailing fridayark AT themodulator.org. NOTE: Trackbacks seem to broken right now.
You can find previous editions at the not quite up to date Arkives page.
- It’s Morning Somewhere: Friday cat blogging ~ Cats and Horses
- Why Now?: Friday Cat Blogging ~ kitten Sitting
- Katnip Lounge: Up Close (and Personal!)
- Women Who Serve: Friday cat blogging ~ evening glow edition
- We Love Luna: Enjoying the sun…
- Huffle Mawson, Explorer Cat: Wordless Wednesday
- William of Mass Destruction: Meezer Wednesday
- Wildrun: Jeeves is now Bubba
- The Zoo: Tired Thursday
- 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera: Friday Creature ~ Feline from last Christmas
- Life from A Cat’s Perspective: TockToberFest with Samantha & Clementine and Happy Birthday Maverick
- Meowsings of An Opinionated Pussycat: Street Seens boarded 10/23
- Real Art: Friday Cat Blogging ~ ammy and Frankie boarded 10/23
- CatSynth: Weekend Cat Blogging ~ Naranja: Luna boarded 10/23
- Ego: Time to Harvest ~ Morris boarded 10/23
- Meowsings of An Opinionated Pussycat: Weekend Cat Blogging #281
- Wanderin’ Weeta With Waterfowl (and Weeds): “In Berry” and Home invasion ~ Granary Beetle
- Anybody Seen My Focus: Long-tailed Skipper (Urbanus proteus)
- Donegal Wildlife: Cold Moths
- Montanagirl: “The Last Butterfly” ~ Red Admiral
- Essex Moths blog: Give Ivy A Try
- Esperance Fauna: Forester Moth – Pollanisus sp. boarded 10/23
- Ecobirder: American Goldfinch
- The Pine River Review: Small Birds in Flight
- Montanagirl: Time to Head South
- Mokka mit Schlag: Redwing
- Aimophila Adventures: Germany ~ Blackpoll Warbler and birding news; boarded 10/23
- A Little Piece of Me: The Wave ~ Mockingbird boarded 10/23
- Bird Ecology Study Group: Foraging Pied Fantails (Rhipidura javanica) boarded 10/23
- The Birder’s Report: Wood Ducks Hunting Damselflies and more boparded 10/24
Other Vertebrates
- Ben and Carrie Tracks: Flabbergasted
- It’s Morning Somewhere: Friday cat blogging ~ Cats and Horses
- Count Your Chicken! We’re Taking Over!: Bighorn
- First Draft: Friday Ferret Blogging ~ Bucky and Flopsy
- Farmgirl Fare: Tuesday Dose of Cute ~ Let the Games Begin! Not.
- A Houseful of Rabbits: Angle of Repose ~ “You Think We Are “Green” Winston?”
- Adventures of Freckles and Deb: Inside My Cave boarded 10/24
- Vickie Hendeson Art: The Loggerhead Sea Turtle boarded 10/24
- The Devil Dog: Wordless Wednesday
- The Zoo: Tired Thursday
- Mountain Musings: Fridays are Golden ~ Lucy and Ellie
- Ironicus Maximus: Friday Hound Blogging ~ Sneakers is very loving and affectionate
- Life from A Cat’s Perspective: TockToberFest with Samantha & Clementine and Happy Birthday Maverick
- Duck Pond: Friday Night Dog Blog ~ Sleep Over: Sasha and Dexter boarded 10/23
- The Alternate Brain: Da Chooch boarded 10/23
- the Marvelous in Nature: Dog in a field boarded 10/24
In Memoriam
- x
Didn’t Make It
- Paleoblog: Eurypterid boarded 10/23
Exceptions (inclusion not guaranteed)
- A Brooklyn Bachelor: Dead Letter
Extra, Extra: All Ark boarders are invited to shout out at the Friday Ark Frapper Map.
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to:
- Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday
- The 344th edition, 10/17, is up at When Cats Attack!
- The 345th edition , 10/24, will be hosted by Kashim & Othello and Salome
- Weekend Cat Blogging which goes up every weekend
- The 280th edition, 10/15-17, is up at Life From A Cat’s Perspective
- The 281st edition, 10/22-24, will be hosted by Meowsings of An Opinionated Pussycat
- Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos which goes up monthly
- The 120th edition, October, is up at the Life From A Cat’s Perspective
- The 121st edition, November, will be hosted by the Meowsings of An Opinionated Pussycat
- Do go shout out at The Catbloggers Frappr Map
Birders: I and the Bird: A Blog Carnival for Bird Lovers is published every 2 weeks.
- The 135th edition , 10/14 is up at the The Birdchaser
- The 135th edition, 10/28, will be hosted by The Greenbelt
For the Spineless: Circus of the Spineless. A monthly celebration of Insects, Arachnids, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Worms and most anything else that wiggles.
- The 55th edition, October, is up at the Wild About Ants
- The 56th edition, November, will be hosted by the CephalopodCast
For the Herp lovers: House of Herps. The monthly blog carnival devoted exclusively to reptiles and amphibians.
- The 11th edition, October, is up at Mainly Mongoose
- The 12th edition, November, will be hosted by A Natural Evolution
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to:
- The Canine Carnival hosted by Pamibe last year is on hiatus an looking for a new sponsor
- The Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey’s Musings
has been out of operation since July 2007
For other current carnivals check out The Blog Carnival and The TTLB Uber Carnival