Friday Ark #366
We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….?
Visit all the boarders, Link to the Ark and check back for updates through Sunday afternoon!
You can board the Friday Ark by submitting your post here, leaving a comment or a trackback to this post or emailing fridayark AT NOTE: Trackbacks seem to broken right now.
You can find previous editions at the not quite up to date Arkives page.
- Lost in the Cheese Aisle: Mocha and Cream ~ Hakuna
- Meowsings of An Opinionated Pussycat: Nikita and Elvira
- Why Now?: Friday Cat Blogging ~ The New Guy…Again
- It’s Morning Somewhere: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Lady Fortuna’s Stitches
- Life from A Cat’s Perspective: Our Very Own Christmas Tree ~ Samantha & Clementine
- It’s Morning Somewhere: Friday Cat Blogging ~ The Black and White Boys: Pablo and Zorro
- Why Now?: Friday Cat Blogging ~ Toes Underhouse
- Cats, Goats, Quotes: Malachi
- Beau Beau & Angie’s Blog: Foolish Friday ~ Beau Beau
- Mercury Rising: Friday Cat Blogging
- Women Who Serve: Friday cat blogging ~ holiday fun edition
- Daisy the Curly Cat: Festive New Year’s Suit
- Momma Grace & Company: Thankful Thursday ~ Grace, Ruse, and Audace
- Real Art: Frankie
- Paulchens FoodBlog?!: Weekend Cat Blogging #343
- Hannah & Lucy: happy New Year boarded 1/1
- Bird Ecology Study Group: Lesser Adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus)
- Wanderin’ Weeta With Waterfowl (and Weeds): Back-door Diner
- 10,000 Birds: Lincoln’s sparrow, Gray Catbird, Ovenbird, and Yellow-breasted Chat
- A DC Birding Blog: Loose Feathers #323 ~ Tundra Swans plus birding news
- Pittswood Birds: At the Feeder
- Outside My Window: Purple Finches (Carpodacus purpureus)
- Hakodate Birding: Year End Raptors
- Birding for a Lark: Citrine Wagtail, Yellow Wagtail, Desert Wheatear, and More
- The Nemesis Bird: King Eider and Dickcissel
- Montanagirl: Winter Blue Jay boarded 12/31; and A New Year’s Eve Gift Snowy Owl boarded 1/1
- The Musketeers: Joy ~ Roy and Zena
- Duck Pond: Friday Night Dog Blog ~ Dexter and Hannah
- Cactus Blog: Friday Whippet Blogging ~ Jaxx and Amica
- Perfectly Parker: Diamond and the Cookies
- Dohiyi Mir: Friday Samndogblogging
- Lower Dover Field Station: Dog Profile ~ Lassie boarded 1/1
Other Vertebrates
- The Life and Times of Bunnies: Betsy
- all things critters…especially pet rats: Happy New year!Darwin, Engels, and Cohen, and Karl
- First Draft: Friday Ferretblogging ~ Riot
- Just Another Day On The Prairie: Cows and Horses
- Anybody Seen My Focus: Northern River Otter (Lontra canadensis)
- Ecobirder: American Toad
- A Houseful of Rabbits: Zoey and Chico boarded 12/31
- Cats, Goats, Quotes: Bob and Patrickboarded 12/31
- Walk the Wilderness: Dancing with the Lions boarded 1/12
- Wanderin’ Weeta With Waterfowl (and Weeds): Barklice, probably Ectopsocus californicus
- The Nature of Robertson: Hairy Caterpillar, Mites, and Jewel Beetle
- Beetles in the Bush: Best of 2011 ~ Greater Arid-land Katydid and MUCH, Much More boarded 12/31
- Lower Dover Field Station: Forest Management ~ Leaf Cutter Ants boarded 1/1
In Memoriam
- Ego: Morris The Cat: Requiescat In Pace
- Morris first boarded the Friday Ark on April 15, 2005: the 30th Sailing
Didn’t Make It
- x
Exceptions (inclusion not guaranteed)
- x
Cat folks: remember to submit your links to:
- Carnival of the Cats which goes up every Sunday
- The 406th edition, 12/25, is up at Billy SweetFeets
- The 407th edition , 1/1/12 (Happy New Year), will be hosted by Mind of Mog
- Weekend Cat Blogging which goes up every weekend
- The 342nd Edition, 12/12/24-25 is up at Judi’s Mind Over matter
- The 343rd edition, 12/31-1/1 (Happy New Year), will be hosted by Kashim, Othello and Salome
- Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
- The 122nd and last edition,12/22/2010, is up at Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat
For the Spineless: Circus of the Spineless. A monthly celebration of Insects, Arachnids, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Worms and most anything else that wiggles.
- The 68th edition, December, is up at the Dave Hubble’s Ecology Spot
- The 69th edition , January, will be hosted by Wild About Antst
Birders: I and the Bird: A Blog Carnival for Bird Lovers was published every 2 weeks.
- The 149th, and last, edition , 4/30 is up at Twin Cities Naturalist
For the Herp lovers: House of Herps. The monthly blog carnival devoted exclusively to reptiles and amphibians.
- The 16th edition, March, will be hosted by Worm Salad
- The 17th edition, April, will be hosted by TBD
Dog folks: remember to submit your links to:
- The Canine Carnival hosted by Pamibe last year is on hiatus an looking for a new sponsor
- The Carnival of the Dogs hosted by Mickey’s Musings
has been out of operation since July 2007
For other current carnivals check out The Blog Carnival and The TTLB Uber Carnival