
Recall the Recall

The fun may not be over in California. Commenting on this post at Hit and Run Gene Berkman notes the following:

The same Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has agreed to hear a lawsuit by the Desert Area Libertarians (east Riverside County,CA) which challenges the touch screen voting machines because of security issues, and because with no paper trail, recounts are impossible to verify.Perhaps the Ninth Circuit will declare that all voting methods fail to meet Constitutional standards.
I was getting bored with politics anyway.

Until there is a good audit trail that will allow a proper recount I prefer them old fashioned paper ballots.

GOP may Support Dem in California

Seems the grand old party wants the second tier candidates to pull out* of the contest:

Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Simon (search), under considerable pressure by the party to withdraw from the recall election and endorse front-runner Arnold Schwarzenegger (search), wouldn’t rule out that option on Sunday.

It is hard to tell just where Arnold fits in. He has named both a democrat and a republican as top advisors and at least one of his democratic opponents (a minor one) calls him a Bush republican:

With President Bush arriving in California for a two-day visit, Huffington branded Schwarzenegger a “Bush Republican through and through.”

The further right you go the more he is considered if not a democrat at best a moderate republican.
Maybe the fact the he is getting hit from both sides suggests that for him the labels are not very meaningful and that he is a centrist with some outlier positions. At least he does not need to use his potential governorship to get wealthy.

California Polls

The results of today’s Field Poll show Bustamante ahead of Schwarzenegger 25% to 22% and are a lot more interesting when we look at yesterday’s poll. It shows that an increasing number of likely voters will vote to recall: July 51%, August 58%. If DAvis has any hope of staying in office he has to figure out how to get Democrats out to vote and also hope that they aren’t among the 22% who voted for him that say they will vote to recall.
Unless a lot of folks drop out there is a high liklihood that the next govn’r of California will be elected by 25-30% of the voters.
The San Francisco Chronicle has some analysis of the poll results and somecandidate comments here.