
Chemistry Experiments

Scientists must experiment and kids will have fun!
Yes, the CPSC, your local city nannycrats and the narcothugs work hard to keep you from learning chemistry, shooting off fireworks and stopping your runny nose. In spite of these ill conceived efforts a little ingenuity and a trip to your local supermarket or convenience store can get you plenty of explosive goodies!
For instance here is what you can achieve with some Diet Coke and Mentos Mints. If they try to stop ya, well, just spray in their face.
How soon do you think the swat teams will be coming for these guys or for you? If you think never then perhaps you should consider Patri’s thoughts on the subject.
Via Tegan.

Update: Chemistry gone wrong–mixing Pepsi and Mentos. Via Solonor’s Inkwell via The Tree.

bush Gets Something Right

As shocking as it might seem bush was right in his radio address yesterday when he said:

….in a free society, decisions about such a fundamental social institution as marriage should be made by the people…

Yes, they should. These decisions should be made by individual people voluntarily arranging their lives with other individuals.
There are a lot of folks, though, including bush who, contrary to his own words, do not believe we should have a free society.

In our free society, people have the right to choose how they live their lives.

Instead they advocate taking the freedom to live their lives by their voluntary choices from the people and put in its place amendments, laws and regulations that take freedom from the people.
A constitutional amendment does not

….put a decision that is critical to American families and American society in the hands of the American people, which is exactly where it belongs.

It, in fact, takes it out of the hands of the people. Again, it is the involved free individuals who should make the voluntary decisions about how to arrange their lives with others.

In a free society federal, state or local legislative bodies have no business being involved in these voluntary arrangements.

Just Say NO!

gonzales and mueller can simply go spend their time sharing their personal transactions with each other:

Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller privately met with representatives of AOL, Comcast, Google, Microsoft and Verizon last week and said that Internet providers–and perhaps search engines–must retain data for two years to aid in anti-terrorism prosecutions, according to multiple sources familiar with the discussion who spoke on condition of anonymity on Tuesday.

If there is an active investigation and these twinks have demonstrated probable cause to a judge in a non-secret court that some one may be involved in the commission of a crime or has committed a crime then you can start tapping that one person’s data now. You do not get to build a massive fishing pond.
Yet another reason to toss’m all out…and not replace’m.
Via Why Now.

Confusion Cleared

Henley is a leftie….it’s his meme.

It is possible to read a single brief post at many sites and determine the author’s point on the political spectrum fairly accurately. But some, like Henley, are just a bit more complex and prove the point that if you are going to try to use labeling to question someone’s credibility it is a good idea to dig just a bit deeper lest it is your own credibility that fades.