Search Results for : newrq

Top Firefox Extensions

PC Magazine presents their selection of the top 15 Firefox extensions.
But, why doesn’t the first one on their list, About Site 0.1.1, show up on the Firefox extensions page? Could just be me…clues appreciated.

: JM, No Fancy Name, found it.
It is a cool extension. Now that I’ve worked with it just a bit I’m not sure how how often I will use it. Pulling up the Technorati Cosmos for a site may be a bit quicker than my Technorati Anywhere toolbar link and I do like that it pulls up the info in a new tab instead of a new window.

Browser Battles

I’m tempted to come up with some special laudatory descriptor for Jen’s readers compared to my readers: 26% of her vistors are using Firefox and another 19% are using variants of Mozilla or Netscape; slightly over 90% (down from near 95% a few months ago) of my visitors are still using an Internet Explorer variant.
Instead let me just say congratulations to those who have seen the light.
Update (1/19): Information Week has some related articles.


I just spent 5 minutes upgrading my browser, Firefox, and email client, Thunderbird to their new releases and am enjoying some noticeable Firefox speed improvements and some improved management features in Thunderbird.
If you use these programs upgrade now! You will be happy.
If you do not use them, especally those of you stuck in MS IE world, give them a try now! You will be happier.
Update: The folks at Catallarchy also seem to like the latest version of Firefox.