Moderately Right-Wing? 3 comments

Or why to read the comments.
At first I thought I had misunderstood bilmon, proprietor of the Whisky Bar, as Ampersand said:

Whisky Bar (which I’ve just added to the moderately right-wing section of my blogroll) links to

and started to write a different post then this.
Then I read the comments where bilmon sets the record straight:

Guess again. I’m a flaming pinko leftist — i.e. I despise Clinton because I think he’s too frickin’ conservative.

And Ampersand apologizes:

Whoops! Sorry, I had taken you for a liberal democrat. Okay-dokey, I’ve reclassified you.

Please proceed to recalibrate your left-right scales: liberal democrat=moderately right-wing.

3 thoughts on “Moderately Right-Wing?

  • Alas, a blog

    Hey, I’m happy to provide amusement

    The Modulator is amused by my blogroll’s political classifications. (I should mention that the blogroll is my fault, so if you hate it don’t blame Bean)….

  • Kerim Friedman

    Give Ampersand a break. There are a lot of blogs I’ve read that I misjudged after reading one or two posts, only to discover that there politics were quite different from what I thought. But, more importantly, none of us are consistently right-or-left when it comes down to it, even if we see ourselves as being cleary on one side of the fence as opposed to the other.

  • Steve

    You are correct about how easy it is to misjudge based on incomplete evidence. Been there, done that and probably will again.
    “Give Ampersand a break.”
    My intent was certainly not to hammer on Ampersand and hopefully he did not take it that way.
    I simply found it humorous that Bilmon could be categorized as anywhere right.
    And then found their ‘comments’ exchange even better.
    Ampersand writes thoughtful, sometime provoking, posts that should be read by all.

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