Ideological Purity 2 comments

Well, in this case Libertarian Purity.
Radley Balko, noted Libertarian blogger, scored 98/160 which stikes me as fairly middle of the road though the test site calls this entering “…the heady realm of hard-core libertarianism.” Then I saw in the comment thread that Julian Sanchez scored 79 and Jim Henley 101.
I would have expected these 3 folks to score higher, much higher and since they did not I suspect that how you score on this test has a lot to do with the perspective you use when taking the test and that for the results to be somewhat comparable this bias needs to be included. For instance, I took the test from the perspective of what I thought an anarcho-capitalist might answer and scored 153. Tomorrow I’ll try to take it from the perspective of a libertarian min-archist and see what kind of score I get. Then I’ll try again from the position of ok, I have libertarian leanings but what is practical in the near term (20-40 years).
Yazad raises some other issues with the test including that it is US centric and suggests some other tests that you can try.

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