Lucky Family 2 comments

These folks are lucky that they did not end up on this list (via Say Uncle).
Wash too many clothes and expect a visit from the police. Radley asks:

And is anyone else troubled by the fact that cops are permitted to comb utilities records for suspiciously high electric bills? What other records are they allowed access to? Can they look through your cable bill to see what pay-per-view movies you’re ordeing?

It seems to me that we should be more then troubled. How many more have to die before enough folks will stand up and say no?

2 thoughts on “Lucky Family

  • Say Uncle

    The Police State Marches On

    Via Steve, comes news of home raided because it’s power bill was unusually high. A high power bill is grounds for a warrant and raid?…

  • Say Uncle

    The question

    Kevin, who thinks that we are on the downward spiral to a loss of freedom, asks: Believing what we believe, is it moral for us…

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