Monthly Archives: March 2004

Office Alternative

Zombyboy has been using OpenOffice and finds it to be a good alternative to M$ Office. From his review:

If you are a hardcore user of all of Office’s applications and functionality, it’s probably worth the money. For the rest of us, the low cost should make OpenOffice an obvious choice, even given the large download.

I do not currently use OpenOffice but have in the past and concur with Zombyboy’s review. If I were getting a new home PC I think it would be a good fit and it would be just fine for my small business as well.
Update (3/29): I should probably have rechecked at least the spreadsheet module before joining in the above recommendation. Please read Jim Henley’s comment.


The Modulator staff has been overwhelmed with real world work and home activities this week.
And, heck, the Clarke conversation has been well covered! If you need to catch up on this Tim Dunlop is a good place to start.
When time permits, hopefully later today, the staff looks forward to reentering the virtual world with a few thoughts on the pledge case.