Kevin Aylward reports on an FCC investigation that may result in large fines for Oprah:
Using the recent FCC fines against Clear Channel Communications for airing indecent material on a Howard Stern radio broadcast, the 1900 complaints against a single episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show should lead to $5.9 million dollar fine.
If they actually do this I hope it happens well before the election. I have visions of huge anti-talibanbush rallies populated by hordes of Oprah and Howard fans.
I can’t imagine that it will ever happen, though. And btw…did you read some of those letters Drudge had up? Hard to believe some of them are legit. I’m just sayin’…
Yea, it probably won’t happen but it’s great fodder.
Now to admit a sin of omission: I don’t read Drudge at all.
And you are probably right about the letters….