Search Results for : newrq

Tonight”s Speech

I wonder how bush will explain this in his talk tonight. Somehow it just doesn’t seem like stay the course will suffice.
Jack K at Ruminate This rightfully argues that if it hasn’t been happening then this should be happening:

…people way deep down into the Pentagon chain of command would be having the experience of having to explain to the Commander in Chief, without benefit of squaring stories or prior practice, just how the hell it is…
that this happened.
If this is in fact the wedding party it appears to be there is, of course, no acceptable excuse for the attack.

Family Reunion Weekend

Wow, where is the blogging time.
Last weekend was a three day vacation, a crazy week at work and now off to a family reunion weekend several hours south of here.
Net result: little blogging.
Have a great weekend.

Modest Drug Policy Changes

The contrarian leader has some fine policy changes to put in place that will rationalize a lot of the injustice created by current US drug policy. Simple things like:

School Principals who enforce zero-tolerance policies must get written permission from one of their students before taking an aspirin or any other medication (any time of day or night).

There are a bunch more.
Via Pacific Views.

Taxing or Extortion?

Looks like the Italian Mafia may be taking some lessons from the US Gov/IRS:

Libero Grassi, owner of a thriving textile company outside Palermo, was killed in 1991 after he refused to pay a large monthly “pizzo,” the Sicilian word for an extortion payment.
The new strategy is to avoid exorbitant rates, such as the ones applied to Grassi’s factory, but to cast the protection net much further afield, even to small shopkeepers.

Yep, if you kill them they will not be around to pay you tomorrow. A much better method is to expropriate their assets and perhaps dump persistent refuseniks in jail.
And like much government and its tax collectors:

It means the Mafia selling itself as a fact of life, even a benevolent association that helps find a job or fix a problem. This makes it not just a criminal organization but a criminal phenomenon rooted in history and harder to extirpate.

It has long seemed that one reason the politician gangs have pretended to want to eliminate folks like the mafia is that they want the same business themselves: extortion taxes, your local lottery, etc.
Via Catallarchy.

Blogging Slowdown

Warning: this week has turned into a very slow blogging week due to work and volunteer activities taking long hours.
Yea, I know I should give up sleep to blog……