Personal Responsibility 2 comments

Walter writes:

I�ll end with a comment on a statement from the BC column that struck me. BC claims �Dr. King and Malcolm X and Fred Hampton died in a social struggle to empower Black people. Cosby demonizes these same people, employing the enemy�s language, like some vengeful, spurned benefactor.� No sir, Dr. King, Malcolm, and Fred lived to empower black people. They died because some triflin� fool killed them. And all too many triflin� fools are throwing the legacy of those great men, and great women like Barbara Jordan and Fannie Lou Hamer, away for a dollar and a lousy pair of over priced sneakers made in China. Mr. Cosby is attempting to remind us of that.

Just go read the rest.
Via Terry Pindar.

2 thoughts on “Personal Responsibility

  • walter

    Hey, thanks for the link. I hope that what I wrote gets people to thinking about the issue of personal responsibilty. After all, as a liberal, I believe in liberty. As a free people, we have responsibilties in enjoying that freedom. Small and big C concersvatives, tend to blame liberal licentiousness and have hijacked the idea of personal responsibility. I say our corporate media is much more to blame than any one political ideology.

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